
Thursday, February 9, 2023

MYANMAR: Military Destroys Churches

Source: VOMC
Sources: World Evangelical Alliance,
 UCA News, The Globe and Mail, The Irrawaddy, Vatican News

Men and women praying

A Bible training class in Myanmar.
Photo: VOMC

As Myanmar's military increasingly launches deadly airstrikes in an effort to crush rebel resistance, those residing in predominantly Christian regions are subjected to indiscriminate attacks. In many cases of similar attacks during recent years, Christians were especially affected, for churches and other religious institutions seem to have been specifically targeted.

On January 12th, two fighter jets attacked the Karen village of Lay Wah, destroying two churches. Five people were killed, including a mother and her young child, a Catholic catechist/teacher and a Baptist pastor. Numerous others were injured. This latest airstrike is only one of a series of attacks that have destroyed more than a hundred religious sites within the past two years.

On January 15th, military forces set fire to a century-old Catholic church and a nearby convent, as part of a raid on the village of Chan Thar in the Sagaing Region. More than 3,000 villagers were forced to flee their village which was left in rubble. A priest from Chan Thar expressed disappointment that the country's military no longer consists of professional soldiers defending the nation. "They have become armed groups without control, committing all kinds of crimes, abuses and misdeeds." For more on the difficulties encountered by believers in Myanmar, go to our country report.

May God's peace and comfort rest upon all those who are mourning the loss of loved ones due to the ongoing violence in Myanmar. 

Pray for the safety of the country's surviving citizens and their need for practical humanitarian relief, along with the resources required to rebuild their destroyed churches and homes. 

Additionally, ask the Lord to bless the ongoing ministry efforts of our Christian brothers and sisters in Myanmar, giving each one of them greatly needed strength, wisdom and encouragement as they diligently serve others amid this turbulent time. 

May there be a cessation of the violence experienced in this country, ultimately resulting in a peaceful resolution to this lengthy conflict.

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