
Thursday, February 2, 2023

CHINA: Christian Evangelist Released on Bail

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Younger hands holding an older man's hands.


In June 2022, Lin Xuesui was arrested by China's Public Security Bureau and accused of "organizing and financing illegal gatherings." These accusations resulted from his ministry work in a remote region located approximately 2,000 kilometres from his home, where he shared his Christian testimony with local villagers. (A previous report on Lin's arrest is available here.)

On January 14th, authorities released Lin on bail. After learning that his father had contracted COVID-19, the Christian evangelist was granted permission by the court to go home so he could take care of his father.

Please join us in praising God that Lin was released from detention to care for his father during this time of illness. 

May his father experience full recovery and renewed strength. Pray also that the courts would drop all charges against Lin, so justice will prevail in his case. 

May this brother in Christ not be forced to return to custody but rather granted the freedom to continue boldly spreading the "Good News" of the Gospel throughout China.

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