
Thursday, February 9, 2023

CHINA: Imprisoned Pastor Highly Respected

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Pastor Geng Zejun

Pastor Geng Zejun
Photo: ChinaAid

In August 2022, Pastor Geng Zejun was sentenced to 15 months in prison for "organizing illegal gatherings." Despite opposition from Chinese Communist Party officials, the church led by Pastor Geng refused to join the government-controlled Three-Self Patriotic Movement and was therefore deemed illegal.

In the months following his sentencing, Pastor Geng has experienced health problems and his family was banned from visiting him. However, recent reports indicate that fellow inmates, and even prison guards, are treating the pastor with utmost respect. In the prison, those issued a red vest are required to work the night shift. However, Pastor Geng alone has been given a green vest, exempting him from conducting any night work. People in the prison have come to refer to the revered Christian man as "Pastor" and frequently approach him for discussions and to get his advice.

The pastor's family members continue to seek permission to visit him, even though they have been banned from doing so since his initial arrest on December 5th, 2021. At first, pandemic restrictions were used as an excuse to keep them away, but the authorities have since simply cited "rules and laws" as their reason. For additional reports on Chinese Christians who are being detained because of their faith, and to learn how you can specifically pray for them, go to our country report.

Pray for strength on behalf of Pastor Geng as he continues to faithfully endure this time of incarceration. 

Praise God that, like Joseph in the Bible, the Lord "showed him steadfast love and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison" (Genesis 39:21). 

Please pray that this dedicated servant of the Lord will continue to receive divinely appointed opportunities to reach fellow inmates, as well as prison guards, with the powerful message of Jesus Christ. 

Additionally, may Pastor Geng's family and church members be able to rest in the assurance of God's abiding presence with them as they await his hopeful soon release.

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