
Thursday, August 8, 2024

MYANMAR: Church Leader Released

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Associated Press, Burma News International

Rev. Dr. Samson

Reverend Dr. Samson
Photo: VOMC Contacts

In 2023, Reverend Dr. Hkalam Samson was sentenced to six years in prison under the country's anti-terrorism laws. See this page for an earlier report on the charges against this prominent Christian leader. Although Dr. Samson was released under a general amnesty on April 17th of this year, later that evening, the authorities came to his home and detained him again, allegedly for questioning.

For the next three months, the Christian man was kept as a "guest" of the police in the visitor facility of Myitkyina Prison. While Dr. Samson's family members were able to visit him during this time, the pastor was not allowed to leave the prison. With thanksgiving, it has now been reported by multiple sources that Dr. Samson was finally released on the morning of July 22nd. Few additional details are available at the time of publishing this report.

Praise God that Dr. Samson has been allowed to return home after such a lengthy ordeal. 

May this Christian leader now be free to resume his life and ministry activities without encountering any further interference from the authorities. 

Pray for the ongoing ministry of the Gospel throughout the nation of Myanmar, asking that – in spite of experiencing persecution and opposition from governing officials – believers will remain resilient and strong in their faith as they endeavour to lead many more Burmese people to Christ.

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