
Thursday, August 8, 2024

IRAN: Christian Woman Threatened with Second Conviction

Source: VOMC
Sources: Human Rights in Iran, Article18

Several people are milling about the entry to Evin Prison.

Evin Prison, where Laleh is being held.
Photo: Flickr / sbzphoto (cc)

After living abroad for a period of time, Laleh Saati returned to her home country of Iran in 2017 to care for her elderly parents. However, in February 2024, Laleh was arrested because she had converted to Christianity while living in Malaysia. This Iranian follower of Jesus was sentenced to two years in prison for "acting against national security by connecting with 'Zionist' Christian organizations." 
For more details on her case, see this report.

It has recently come to light that Laleh has been experiencing increased interrogation in prison. Her mother was also interrogated and warned that Laleh may face a second conviction because the case has been publicized to foreign media. While serving time in the notorious Evin Prison, the young Christian woman was also denied psychological treatment which she required due to the duress of her imprisonment.

Remember Laleh in your prayers as she withstands harsh treatment in prison because of her faith, praying that this sister in Christ will be divinely protected, strengthened and comforted – knowing that God assuredly promises to never leave nor forsake His children (Deuteronomy 31:6). 

Pray that this believer will also receive the psychological care she needs, and that threats of further charges against her would not come to fruition. 

Additionally, please pray for the protection and courage of Laleh's mother, who has likewise suffered mistreatment because of her daughter's conversion to Christ, asking that this dear elderly woman would be kept safe from harm and harassment as well.

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