
Thursday, August 29, 2024

UZBEKISTAN: Church Buildings Demolished Without Warning

Source: VOMC
Source: Forum18

A bulldozer is destroying a building.

The demolition of a Council of Churches Baptist building.
Photo: Baptist Council of Churches

As the members of a Baptist church in the city of Urgench began to increase in numbers, they soon found themselves exceeding the capacity of their worship facility. To accommodate the growth, the congregation purchased a plot of land and began to construct a new church building. They had received all the necessary building permits to do so, and other developments were being built around them in various parts of the same vicinity.

Unbeknownst to the Christians, a civil suit had been filed against the church. At the court hearing, which took place on April 25th, the judge ordered the demolition of the building – along with the home of a church member that was being built on the same property. As the Christians had not been informed of the hearing, they weren't able to represent themselves in court.

More than a month later, the order came into effect. The resulting demolition unexpectedly began on July 30th but was halted when the church members announced that they would be filing a complaint against the decision. A week later, the destruction resumed, but then it was delayed again on August 8th after numerous believers further protested the action. While the teardown efforts have ceased for the present time, officials told the former landowner that they are "determined to complete the demolition sooner or later."

Reasons for the demolition order have been unclear. One official claimed that it was due to "a tax issue" but refused to give any details. Additionally, while the judge referred to the land as "arable" (suitable for cultivation of crop), and thus disqualified for construction development, no action has been taken against the buildings surrounding the worship facility. Church members described the land parcel as "full of buildings and construction work," clearly confirming that no prospective farming initiatives have been planned for the area.

Though officially a secular state, the Uzbek government has relentlessly oppressed Christians, particularly those who belong to unregistered fellowships.
For more details on the difficulties facing believers in this Central Asian nation, go to our country report.

Pray that the Lord would provide these church leaders and congregation members His divine peace, strength and direction as they determine their next steps of action. 

At the same time, may He also powerfully work in the lives of the judge and governing officials involved with the demolition order by speaking to their hearts – in hopes they will obediently respond to the Holy Spirit's promptings and reconsider their decision. 

As the congregants await the outcome, may they continue to boldly reach out to others in their community with the message of the Gospel, knowing that the Lord will ultimately meet their growing needs.

PAKISTAN: Christians Await Justice One Year After Jaranwala Riots

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Daily, International Christian Concern,
 VOMC Contacts

Furniture and possessions are strewn on a street. Some of them are burning.

The riots in 2023.
Photo: Morning Star News

On August 16th, 2023, thousands of people stormed the streets of Jaranwala in Punjab, angered by allegations of blasphemy against two Christian brothers. Due to the frenzied nature of the mob's multiple attacks, numbers vary widely; but at least 26 church buildings were destroyed, along with hundreds of Christian homes.
For more details, along with video footage of the destruction, go to this report.

One year later, Christians suffering from the aftermath of the incident are still seeking justice. While more than 5,000 people were involved in the violence, less than 400 were arrested for their part in the riots. Of the assailants who were arrested, over 225 have been released on bail, including the individual who incited the vast mob attack through the use of a mosque loudspeaker. Discrimination against followers of Jesus within Pakistan's legal system was further demonstrated by the recent conviction of Ehsaan Masih, a Christian man who has been sentenced with blasphemy – a crime punishable by death – merely for protesting the violent riots via social media (read more).

For those who've lost so much during the attacks, any provision of assistance from the government has come slowly – if at all. While governing officials stated that relief would be provided to those whose homes were destroyed, the distribution efforts have been plagued with difficulties. For some homes, multiple families were living under the same roof, so payment went only to the more prominent families, leaving some without assistance. Amnesty International reports that 40 percent of the victims are still awaiting desperately needed government compensation.

In addition, many of the affected believers continue to suffer from the psychological and social repercussions of the trauma. Children "still tremble with fear" and have lost their confidence when it comes to interacting with others in the community. Relations between local Christians and Muslims have also become increasingly tense. Some Muslims are refusing to conduct any business with Christians, and a number of believers have lost their jobs.

In conjunction with our ministry partners, VOMC was able to provide for some of the daily needs of Christians in Jaranwala through the mission's Relief & Development Fund. To contribute towards the assistance being provided to persecuted believers in such situations, visit this page. On behalf of our suffering Christian brothers and sisters in Pakistan and other parts of the world, we want to express our appreciation for your generosity and continued prayers.

Thank you for prayerfully remembering these victimized followers of Jesus in Jaranwala who are still recovering from the detrimental effects of last year's violent riots. 

Pray that those trying to cope with the subsequent losses of their homes, churches, jobs, and practical necessities will receive needed assistance, comfort and healing. 

Additionally, may Pakistan's officials govern justly by holding the assailants of such crimes accountable. 

Please also intercede for the country as a whole, asking God to move by His Spirit so that those in desperate need of eternal salvation – including the perpetrators – will be dramatically transformed by His unfailing love.

CHINA: Pastor John Cao Blocked from Leaving China

Source: VOMC
Sources: Mission Network News, ChinaAid

John Cao is holding up a sign with Chinese lettering.

Pastor John Cao holds a sign that reads: "I am a Chinese
citizen, and I love my country, but I don't have an ID card." 
Photo: ChinaAid

After serving seven years in a Chinese prison, Pastor John Cao was finally released on March 4th of this year (see this page). Despite his release from custody, the Christian leader is not truly free, as the authorities are refusing to give him an ID card and passport. According to Todd Nettleton from the Voice of the Martyrs USA, an ID card is required for most transactions in China – whether it involves travel or making a doctor's appointment. "You can be arrested if the police ask you for an ID card and you don't have one," he explains.

Pastor Cao is a Chinese citizen who also happens to be a permanent resident of the United States. Since his release, the pastor would like to return to the United States where his wife is residing, but he has repeatedly been blocked from doing so. The Christian man also remains under constant surveillance.
For other reports addressing Christian persecution in China, including previously published information regarding Pastor Cao, go to our country profile.

Pray that God will work mightily within the hearts of governing officials, allowing Pastor Cao to receive the necessary documentation so he can be reunited with his wife in the United States. 

May those monitoring the activities of this Christian leader witness the love and hope of the Gospel through his dedicated life and, as a result, come to faith in Jesus. 

Finally, pray that God's provision, protection and encouragement will sustain Pastor Cao and the many other harassed believers in China – including those remaining imprisoned for their Christian faith – as they continue to serve the Lord despite the opposition they receive from members of the Communist government.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

INDIA: Concerns of Imminent Violence in Odisha

Source: VOMC
 VOMC Contacts

A burned out church still shows a cross on the front wall.

The remains of a church building
after the attacks in 2008.
Photo: All India Christian Council (cc)

Recent reports from reliable sources indicate that Hindu leaders in the state of Odisha are preparing a list of Christian leaders to be attacked during the days to come. Christian leaders have spoken with governing authorities who intend to provide protection. However, the situation is further compounded by the fact that the state is governed by the Hindu nationalist BJP (political party), and the planned attacks coincide with a sensitive time in Hindu/Christian relations.

On August 23rd, 2008, a prominent Hindu leader named Swami Laxmanananda Saraswati was assassinated (learn more). Though evidence revealed that Maoist rebels were responsible for the incident, several Hindu militant groups pointed the blame at the Christians. As a result, major riots erupted in the Kandhamal district of Odisha State. In the violence that ensued, hundreds of churches – along with thousands of homes and other buildings – were destroyed. More than 90 people, the majority of whom had been Christians, were killed in the rampage, and thousands were injured and/or displaced.

Despite a confession from a senior Maoist leader who claimed responsibility for the assassination, suspicions against the country's Christians remain to this day. This year, Hindu leaders are making several demands to honour the slain swami. Along with those demands, the Hindu festival of Janmashtami will be observed on August 25th and 26th in the village of Jalespata where he was murdered.

With hundreds of thousands of Hindu devotees planning to gather in Kandhamal to honour the life of Saraswati (whose murder case was recently reopened), along with threats against Christian leaders in the area, the possibility of violence is significant. While protection will be given to local Christians "as far as possible," the District Magistrate also warns of the many factors that could lead to a riot.

Please prayerfully uphold the Christians of Kandhamal as they face this potentially volatile situation, asking our Heavenly Father to provide His divine protection to every believer living in this region. 

Pray that the necessary steps will be taken by the police to prevent any violence from taking place during the upcoming celebration, and that the evidence revealing the true assassins of the 2008 murder will be acknowledged by the Hindu population. 

May Hindu leaders not only observe this holiday peacefully, but may they also extend the same privilege to the country's Christians who likewise want to practise their faith in peace and freedom.

NIGERIA: Church Building Burned Down

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, Punch, Daily Post, Premium Times, Independent

Believers are gathered in the shell of a burned out church.

One of the many churches that have
been destroyed by fire in Nigeria.
Photo: VOMC

During the early morning hours of August 10th, the building of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Kontagora was burned to the ground. Residents in the area reported that they witnessed a group of men loot the church building before setting it on fire. This is the second time that the church facility has been destroyed and, on both occasions, militant Muslim activists are believed to have been responsible.

According to the church's associate pastor, Samson Ogbebor, there were several previous attempts to prevent the congregation from building their facility. Ever since the place of worship was initially burned to the ground ten years ago, the Christians have faced many obstacles while rebuilding.

The destruction has been widely condemned by both members of the government and an association of Muslim imams. The governor of Niger State described the action as a "mindless and cowardly act." In the aftermath of the violent incident, the director of religious affairs called on both Christians and Muslims within the community to "join hands to end antics of enemies of peace trying to cause religious disaffection between them."

Nigeria has been referred to as the most dangerous place in the world to be a Christian. Although the violence comes from numerous sources, attacks generally stem from those following a militant Islamic ideology.
For more information on the persecution of Christians in Nigeria, go to our country report.

Pray for the members of this congregation as they determine their next steps and look ahead towards the future of their ministry. 

Ask the Lord to provide these long-suffering congregants needed emotional healing, as well as the financial resources required to replace all that has been looted and destroyed. 

May their ongoing ministry efforts among the Muslim members of this community serve as catalysts of God's compassion and wonderful message of salvation. 

Also prayerfully remember to uphold the country's governing officials, asking the Lord to grant them wisdom and guidance as they seek to resolve the ongoing concern of violence.

INDIA: Christians Forced to "Reconvert" to Hinduism

Source: VOMC
Source: International Christian Concern

A street view of a village in Odisha

 A village in Odisha
Photo: Wikimedia / Strange Burg (cc)

Around 120 tribal Christians from two villages in Odisha State were forcibly "reconverted" to Hinduism on August 4th during a ceremony known as "ghar wapsi" (meaning "homecoming"). The ceremony involved Hindu and tribal rituals which are believed to "cleanse" those who had previously accepted Christ and wash away any remnants of Christianity.

According to some of the Christian villagers who were forced to participate, the event took place following intense pressure from local governing authorities who had stopped providing followers of Jesus with subsidized food, including basics such as rice and lentils. Hindu leaders also barred Christian families from accessing the local water well unless they agreed to take part in the conversion ceremony.

During the incident, 83 men from 19 families were pressured into "reconverting" to Hinduism, along with several women and girls who were likewise forced to participate in the ceremony. Some of the families had been Christians dating back by four generations. Despite the long Christian heritage of these community members, Hindu nationalists throughout the country believe that to be Indian is to be Hindu.
Further reports on the persecution encountered by Christians in India are available at our country profile.

Please intercede on behalf of all the villagers who were recently forced to participate in the reconversion ceremony. 

Pray that those who remained Christians within their hearts will be mindful that Christ has not forsaken them and that they can turn to Him at any time. 

Despite the persecution taking place in various areas of India, may the "Good News" of Jesus reach the country's general populace, including those who are fiercely opposed to the Gospel message – in hopes that many more hearts will become open and receptive to God's love, mercy and saving grace.

NICARAGUA: Increasing Arrests and Forcible Closures

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Daily, Catholic News Agency, Vatican News,

Daniel Ortega is smiling.

President Daniel Ortega
Photo: Wikipedia / Office of the
President, Republic of China (Taiwan) 

Opposition to Christians from the dictatorial government of Nicaragua continues to intensify, resulting in many religious leaders being arrested/deported and more faith-based organizations forcibly shut down.
In April, a report was released outlining some of the harassment being perpetrated by government forces against churches and NGOs (see this page).

From July 26th to August 3rd, authorities arrested 11 Roman Catholic leaders in northern Nicaragua. On August 7th, Rosario Murillo, the wife of dictator Daniel Ortega, announced that seven other Nicaraguan priests who had left the country "arrived safely" at the Vatican. In the most recent incidents, Father Leonel Balmaceda was arrested on August 10th, as were two laywomen. The next day, Father Denis Martínez García was arrested while on his way to celebrate mass.

Along with these recent arrests and deportations, the legal statuses of 15 non-governmental organizations were revoked on August 12th, including one of the branches of the Catholic aid agency, Caritas, and some groups linked with Protestant denominations. It was reported that nine of the organizations voluntarily closed down. According to a report from the National Catholic Reporter, 3,552 organizations within the country have been terminated in recent years. The most recent statistics indicate that around 45 percent of the nation's population consider themselves Roman Catholic and 40 percent Protestant.

Pray for wisdom on behalf of all the remaining Nicaraguan followers of Jesus as they seek to meet the spiritual needs of fellow citizens in their country. 

Please also intercede for President Ortega and other leaders within the nation, praying that God's Holy Spirit would move powerfully within their hearts so they would not only end their crackdown on the country's churches and Christian organizations, but also personally experience a divine life-changing encounter with the Living Christ. 

In the meantime, as believers in Nicaragua seek to remain faithful amid a hostile environment, may they receive continued guidance, courage and protection, as well as the strength they need to stand strong for Jesus.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

PAKISTAN: Sisters Accused of Blasphemy

Source: VOMC
 UCA News, ANI News, Pakistan Christian Post, Morning Star News

Two women are on a path in a village.


On August 6th, Mohammad Haider claimed that he saw a Christian woman named Sonia Masih putting trash into a bag and then disposing of it. The Muslim man said that when he looked inside the trash bag, it contained ruined pages of the Quran. The next day, Mohammad went to Sonia's home to further investigate the situation, taking two other community members with him. He alleged that Sonia's sister, Saima, had made some inappropriate religious comments to them during the visit, leading the Muslim men to contend that the two Christian sisters committed blasphemy.

Word of the accusations quickly spread throughout the village of Gojra. As a result, an angry mob attacked the Christians that same day, attempting to kill Saima. Other believers in the village were also forced to flee for their safety. The family's lawyer states that Saima would have been lynched if the police had not arrived in time.

Saima denies the accusations and states that, rather than her sister disposing of garbage, Mohammad had asked her for an empty bag which she gave to him. It was this bag, the accuser later claimed, that had contained pages of the Quran. The allegations are believed to derive from a personal vendetta against the women.

Accusations of blasphemy are frequently used in Pakistan to settle personal and business disagreements. Unfortunately, these types of allegations often lead to crimes such as mob violence – and the resulting mass destruction of people's lives, properties and communities.
To review previously published reports concerning the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, including those recorded on camera, go to our country profile.

Pray that the truth of these women's innocence will be revealed, and that God would bring about a desire for peace, understanding and tolerance within the hearts of all who oppose them. 

In the meanwhile, may the Lord grant provision and protection to Sonia and Saima, their family members, as well as the other targeted believers of their community. 

In the midst of the tensions caused by the false allegations, pray that these followers of Jesus will respond by lovingly extending His compassion, mercy and saving grace to all those around them.

TURKMENISTAN: Pastor Faces Threats of Arrest

Source: VOMC
Sources: Forum18, Christian Daily,

Pastor Rahymjan Borjakov

Pastor Rahymjan
Photo: Rahymjan Borjakov 

According to recent reports, pressure appears to be mounting against Rahymjan Borjakov, a 44-year-old pastor who leads an unregistered church in Turkmenistan. While nothing definite has been announced, sources indicate that the Christian leader's arrest may be imminent amid repeated threats from the authorities.

In early July, an official at a local mosque in the village of Dogryyol told worshippers that Pastor Rahymjan would be locked up sooner or later, and that the authorities were plotting the Christian man's arrest. Lending credence to that rumour, officials visited the pastor's home in mid-July and asked for information about his relatives, including their places of work. Shortly after, Pastor Rahymjan's relatives, who are not Christians, began receiving "threatening and insulting" calls from the phone number of a police officer whose department controls religious activities within the region.

Earlier this year, Pastor Rahymjan attempted to board a plane but was refused for unspecified reasons. This is not unusual treatment for political activists and others with whom the government have concerns. Close monitoring by officials is commonplace for Christians in Turkmenistan, particularly for those belonging to unregistered religious communities, like Pastor Rahymjan.
For further reports revealing the various challenges encountered by Christians in this Central Asian nation, go to our country profile.

Pray that the pressures inflicted on Pastor Rahymjan and his family will subside, and that no formal charges would be brought against this Christian leader. 

May he receive greatly needed wisdom in his endeavours to continue ministering among the members of his community, as well as those of his own family. 

Also prayerfully remember our other Christian brothers and sisters residing in this country as they too navigate the tight restrictions and close surveillance imposed on them by governing authorities, asking our Heavenly Father to sustain each one with spiritual strength, refreshment and courage in the face of hostility.

SRI LANKA: Arrests During House Church Construction

Source: VOMC

People are in and around a small building under construction.


On June 13th, the pastor of God's Kingdom Gospel Church in Kandapola, Sri Lanka, was constructing a house church building, together with the support of other pastors and church leaders, when he was approached by a junior manager. The pastor was questioned by the manager as to whether or not the Christians had permission to build a church.

Shortly after leaving the construction site, the manager returned with several police officers, local Buddhist leaders, and some individuals from another village. Police hurled abusive language at the Christians who were present and physically assaulted the pastor's 14-year-old son. In addition, others who had come to oppose the church building project assaulted some of the pastors who were helping with the construction build. Despite the attack having been perpetrated by members of the opposing group, five pastors and two church workers were arrested instead.

While all the arrested Christians had been released on bail that day, they were then ordered to appear in court the following day. Upon arriving at the courthouse, these same believers had once again been taken into custody; this time, their detainment lasted until June 18th. Although they have since been released, a subsequent court date was scheduled for October 4th.
To learn more about the persecution of Christians in Sri Lanka, visit our country report.

Pray that the case involving the accused Christian workers will be quickly resolved and that opportunities would arise to peaceably settle this disagreement between them and those in opposition to the church building project. 

May the believers involved be able to proceed with the construction of the worship facility without any further interference. 

As they continue to await the outcome of the court hearing in October, pray that the Lord would guide, equip and empower them so they will wisely discern how to best deal with the situation.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

LAOS: Pastor Fatally Shot in His Home

Source: VOMC
 VOM USA, International Christian Concern, Radio Free Asia, Morning Star News

Pastor Thongkham Philavanh appears to be praying.

Pastor Thongkham Philavanh
Photo: VOM USA

Thongkham Philavanh was a pastor among the Khmu people of northern Laos, where he also served as the provincial head of the Lao Evangelical Church. Actively involved in ministry throughout the province of Oudomxai, he was closely monitored by authorities and had been repeatedly warned to stop his Christian activities.

On the evening of July 22nd, two masked gunmen came to Pastor Thongkham's home in Chang Village. After a brief altercation, the church leader was shot twice. Despite being rushed to a local hospital, he died on arrival. The 40-year-old Christian leaves behind a wife and two children, along with numerous foster children who received refuge in their loving home.

This incident is the latest in a series of attacks on Christians in Laos, including the unsolved murder of Pastor Sy Seng Manee in October 2022 (read more), along with numerous other acts of violence.
For more details about Christian persecution in this Southeast Asian nation, go to our country report.

As the Lord brings them to your mind, please remember to pray for the families of Pastor Thongkham and Pastor Sy as they mourn the loss of these dear Christian leaders, asking our Heavenly Father to minister His abounding comfort, love and peace to each one. 

Also pray for Pastor Thongkham's church and community members who are deeply missing their leader who was known for his "profound wisdom, unwavering faith and boundless compassion." 

Pray for the ongoing ministry efforts of our Christian brothers and sisters in Laos, asking for increased opportunities to spread the hope of the Gospel message throughout this Communist nation.

OCCUPIED UKRAINE: Priest Sentenced to 14 Years in Labour Camp

Source: VOMC
Source: Forum18

Father Kostiantyn Maksimov in a grey robe. He is wearing a large cross around his neck.

Father Kostiantyn Maksimov 
Photo: Center for Civil Liberties

In May 2023, Father Kostiantyn Maksimov was taken captive by Russian occupation forces from his home in the Zaporizhzhia area of Ukraine. In March 2024, it was announced that he was accused of reporting the location of Russian air defenses and consequently charged with espionage.
Further details are available here.

On August 2nd, Father Kostiantyn was found guilty by the Russian-controlled court and sentenced to 14 years in a forced labour camp. This verdict was announced despite the fact that, according to international law, Russian legislation cannot be enforced in occupied territory.

The Orthodox priest's mother, Svetlana Maksimova, was in shock, since she had been hoping for a lesser sentence. "We will appeal against the sentence, though I don't think it will be changed," she stated. Svetlana hopes that her son will be included in a future prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine. In the meantime, it is expected that Father Kostiantyn will remain incarcerated in occupied Ukrainian territory until his appeal has been heard. If the hearing is unsuccessful, he will likely be transferred to a prison camp in Russia.

Pray for the success of Father Kostiantyn's appeal and that this imprisoned church leader will be released from custody. 

As he awaits the appeal hearing, may Father Kostiantyn receive divine strength, provision and protection. 

Please also pray for greatly needed comfort and peace on behalf of the detained Christian leader's concerned family members, friends and congregants during this time of uncertainty. 

Continue to pray for peace in this war-torn nation and for the Lord's protection over our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in Christ – as well as the many other innocent people living in occupied regions of the country.

MYANMAR: Church Leader Released

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Associated Press, Burma News International

Rev. Dr. Samson

Reverend Dr. Samson
Photo: VOMC Contacts

In 2023, Reverend Dr. Hkalam Samson was sentenced to six years in prison under the country's anti-terrorism laws. See this page for an earlier report on the charges against this prominent Christian leader. Although Dr. Samson was released under a general amnesty on April 17th of this year, later that evening, the authorities came to his home and detained him again, allegedly for questioning.

For the next three months, the Christian man was kept as a "guest" of the police in the visitor facility of Myitkyina Prison. While Dr. Samson's family members were able to visit him during this time, the pastor was not allowed to leave the prison. With thanksgiving, it has now been reported by multiple sources that Dr. Samson was finally released on the morning of July 22nd. Few additional details are available at the time of publishing this report.

Praise God that Dr. Samson has been allowed to return home after such a lengthy ordeal. 

May this Christian leader now be free to resume his life and ministry activities without encountering any further interference from the authorities. 

Pray for the ongoing ministry of the Gospel throughout the nation of Myanmar, asking that – in spite of experiencing persecution and opposition from governing officials – believers will remain resilient and strong in their faith as they endeavour to lead many more Burmese people to Christ.

IRAN: Christian Woman Threatened with Second Conviction

Source: VOMC
Sources: Human Rights in Iran, Article18

Several people are milling about the entry to Evin Prison.

Evin Prison, where Laleh is being held.
Photo: Flickr / sbzphoto (cc)

After living abroad for a period of time, Laleh Saati returned to her home country of Iran in 2017 to care for her elderly parents. However, in February 2024, Laleh was arrested because she had converted to Christianity while living in Malaysia. This Iranian follower of Jesus was sentenced to two years in prison for "acting against national security by connecting with 'Zionist' Christian organizations." 
For more details on her case, see this report.

It has recently come to light that Laleh has been experiencing increased interrogation in prison. Her mother was also interrogated and warned that Laleh may face a second conviction because the case has been publicized to foreign media. While serving time in the notorious Evin Prison, the young Christian woman was also denied psychological treatment which she required due to the duress of her imprisonment.

Remember Laleh in your prayers as she withstands harsh treatment in prison because of her faith, praying that this sister in Christ will be divinely protected, strengthened and comforted – knowing that God assuredly promises to never leave nor forsake His children (Deuteronomy 31:6). 

Pray that this believer will also receive the psychological care she needs, and that threats of further charges against her would not come to fruition. 

Additionally, please pray for the protection and courage of Laleh's mother, who has likewise suffered mistreatment because of her daughter's conversion to Christ, asking that this dear elderly woman would be kept safe from harm and harassment as well.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

TÜRKIYE: Authorities Prevent Church from Obtaining Land

Source: VOMC
 ADF International, International Christian Concern, Church in Chains

A view from Diclekent Boulevard, Diyarbakir.

Diyarbakir, Türkiye
Photo: Wikimedia / chansey (cc)

The Diyarbakir Protestant Church Foundation began with members gathering in a home more than 20 years ago. In 2019, the congregants moved into a dedicated church building and became a legally recognized organization. Over the years, the ministry has grown to encompass more than 100 people – a number far too large for the limited space of the premises where they are currently meeting. As a result, these believers have been seeking suitable land so they can build a larger facility that will better accommodate their growing needs. Unfortunately, their efforts to obtain a potential property have been continually ignored or turned down by governing officials.

In Türkiye, religious buildings must be built on land specifically designated for religious purposes. Although such land is available in Diyarbakir, the church members have been repeatedly prevented from getting the space needed. As a result, the church leaders initiated a court challenge, but the lawsuit was recently struck down. They are now appealing this decision.

During the ruling, court officials told the believers that they could simply purchase undesignated land and then apply afterwards for a "religious use" designation. However, this type of request has never been granted in Türkiye. Religious rights activists argue that the recent court ruling is "a troubling display of blatant faith-based discrimination against Christians."
To view a recently published video in which the church's pastor, Ahmet Güvener, addresses this situation, click here.

While Türkiye is officially a secular nation, the government has increasingly been adopting policies that are specifically favourable to the country's predominant religion of Islam. Additionally, several Protestant seminaries in the country were mandated to shut down, forcing churches to rely on foreign-trained ministers. However, officials have deported approximately 185 foreign church leaders from the country since 2018, and those seeking entry are being denied under the auspices of "national security."
More information on the persecution of Christians in Türkiye is available at our country report.

Praise God for the church growth this congregation in Diyarbakir has experienced. 

Please prayerfully uphold Pastor Ahmet Güvener and the rest of the church members as they now seek a resolution to the repeated challenges they have encountered while trying to obtain suitable land. 

May their appeal be successful so they can proceed with their plans of expansion. 

Pray that the Lord will not only bless this congregation, but also all the other ministries that are faithfully endeavouring to proclaim the Gospel in this Middle Eastern nation, so that many more Turkish people will come to faith in Jesus Christ.

CHINA: Bible Study Meeting Raided in Inner Mongolia

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Believers are singing hymns at the Xuan'en Church.

Xuan'en Church
Photo: ChinaAid

On the morning of July 17th, several Christians from the Xuan'en Church in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, were gathered for a Bible study when the meeting was suddenly interrupted by a raid. The intruding officials, who were sent by multiple agencies, recorded the names and phone numbers of the attending Christians and ordered them to end the meeting – based on the grounds that they are not part of the government-sanctioned Three-Self church. Since this was considered a first offence, the believers were issued a warning.

Two days later, Preacher Zhang Jiale and his wife, Ran Yilian, were taken to the local police station where they were held for 12 hours before being released. Preacher Zhang has frequently encountered opposition from police over the past two years due to his consistent support for other persecuted churches, including members of the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu.
(For reports addressing other cases of persecution in China, and/or to view recorded podcasts, go to our country profile.)

Following the raid on July 17th, Preacher Zhang sent out a pastoral letter to his congregation, which included the following statement:

"Dear brothers and sisters of Xuan'en Church, this world wants us to submit to it, to bow down to it, and even the little worship space we have left is to be taken away. This makes us deeply understand Christ's words: 'Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.' Our Lord, for our sake, came to the world He created and was deprived of everything. The path He walked, shall we not walk it? The cup He drank, shall we refuse it?"

Pray that the members of this church in Hohhot will stand firm on the foundation of Christ and the salvation He lovingly offers all peoples through His sacrificial death on the cross. 

May these believers be greatly encouraged, comforted and strengthened by the assurance that the Lord not only understands their sufferings – weeping alongside them – but that He also promises to provide for their every need.... May this include being inspired with creative ways to continue meeting together for worship, Bible study and prayer – without any further interference from the authorities.

PAKISTAN: Hope and Faith Demonstrated on Death Row

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Daily International, Morning Star News, Church in Chains

Noman Masih is wearing handcuffs.

Noman Masih
Photo: Morning Star News

A Christian who was sentenced to death for blasphemy in May 2023 has demonstrated that, even while in prison, he has been able to maintain hope for the future. Noman Masih was convicted on trumped-up charges of blasphemy for allegedly distributing sketches of Muhammad in 2019 (read more). In a display of endurance and strength, despite this terrible situation, the young Christian man was recently able pass his high school board examinations with a very high score.

Speaking of this achievement, the imprisoned believer's lawyer, Lazar Allah Rakha, stated, "I'm very happy that instead of descending into depression after being put on death row, Masih put his faith in the Lord and has kept his hope for freedom alive despite the dismal circumstances." Noman plans to continue his education in the future and has registered to write his intermediate examination within the next two years.

Noman's father, Asghar, has likewise expressed pride in his son, thanking God for this recent accomplishment: "[Noman] has remained steadfast in his faith; he has been reading the Bible and praying regularly since the day he was sent to prison. Other than that, he has focussed only on his studies." Asghar also gives credit to Noman's lawyer, Lazar, who has motivated the young man to pursue his education while in custody.

The president of the Church of Pakistan, Bishop Azad Marshall, has also offered his support and encouragement. Speaking of Noman, he affirmed: "In a nation grappling with complex issues of faith, freedom and justice, this young man's story stands as a testament to the indomitable human spirit. Against all odds, he has become a beacon of hope, challenging the very system that seeks to silence him."

Praise God for the ever-present empowerment, strength and joy He provides to His children, as demonstrated through the resilient faith of this young Christian man. 

May Noman serve as a powerful testimony of the hope that is available to all who place their faith in Jesus, so that those with him in prison will likewise surrender their lives to the Lord. 

Pray that Noman's verdict will soon be overturned, allowing this young man to be cleared of all charges and safely released from custody.