
Thursday, April 27, 2023

ERITREA: Over 100 Young Christians Arrested

Source: VOMC
Sources: Release Eritrea, Human Rights Without Frontiers, Church in Chains

Microphone and laptop


In mid-April, a group of 103 young Christians, some of whom are students from the Mai-Nefhi technical college, gathered in the Eritrean capital of Asmara. Their purpose was to sing songs of praise, which they recorded to share on YouTube. However, since these believers are not members of a government-approved church, their meeting was deemed illegal. 

(A music video previously produced by the same group can be viewed at

The authorities arrested all who were present and, according to reports, these Christians were taken to the notorious Mai Serwa prison. Since 2002, thousands of Eritreans from churches banned by the government have been sent to prison, often held inhumanely in metal shipping containers and subjected to volatile conditions and torture. Those arrested are typically held without charges against them, sometimes for many years.

Estimates vary as to the number of religious prisoners currently being detained in Eritrea. With these latest arrests, the number is estimated to be over 500. Most Christian prisoners are believed to be Pentecostal or of other evangelical denominations. 

For more information on the persecution experienced by followers of Jesus in Eritrea, go to our country report.

Pray for the safety and well-being of these young people who have been unjustly detained for their faith, asking our Heavenly Father to provide each one of them divine protection, strength and courage as they await their hopeful release from Mai Serwa prison. 

Please also continue to intercede for the deliverance of the many other suffering Christians who are presently being held in Eritrean prisons – often for years without charges or proper court hearings. 

In the meanwhile, through the steadfast faith and testimonies of the detained believers, may the lives of many Eritreans in need of eternal salvation – including fellow prisoners, guards and judicial officials – be spiritually rescued from darkness and transformed in God's marvellous light.

Other prisoners in Eritrea:

Rev. Gebremedhin Gebregergis - Held 18 years

Gebremedhin GebregergisRev. Gebremedhin Gebregergis

He taught the New Testament in the local language, a significant departure from the Orthodox church's traditional ancient language understood exclusively by the clergy. This opened the door to the gospel, and thousands of young people came to Christ.

Dr. Fitsum-Berhan Gebrenegus - Held 18 years
Fitsum-Berhan Gebrenegus

Dr. Fitsum-Berhan Gebrenegus, an Eritrean pastor and psychiatrist, was arrested on 18 November 2004 due to his involvement in the Mekanehiwet Medhane Alem Church, a renewal movement in the Eritrean Orthodox Church.

Tekleab Mengisteab
Tekleab Mengisteab - Held 18 years

In 2004, three courageous Mekanehiwet Medhane Alem Orthodox Church Fathers were arrested after leading a transformative movement within the Orthodox Church. Through their inspiring efforts, they became a gateway for many to find Christ and their legacy continues to inspire generations.

Meron Gebreselasie
Meron Gebreselasie
Pastor Meron Gebreselasie - held 18 years

Pastor Meron Gebreselasie was arrested on June 3, 2004. Meron, also known as Million, was the pastor of Massawa Rhema Evangelical Church in Massawa, a Red Sea port city.

Mussie Ezaz
Mussie Ezaz

Mussie Ezaz - held 15 years

Mussie Ezaz was arrested in September 2007 when Eritrean authorities came after him for his work as a youth minister with the Kale Hiwot (Word of Life) Church.

Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel
Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel
Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel - held 18 years

Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel, a leading figure of Full Gospel Church of Eritrea, founder and senior pastor of Southwest Full Gospel Church and member of the executive committee to the Full Gospel Church of Eritrea.

Kidane Weldou - held 18 years 
Kidane Weldou
Pastor Kidane Weldou

Pastor Kidane Weldou disappeared and is presumably detained by Eritrean security forces. His vehicle was found abandoned in downtown Asmara. He is a senior pastor of the Full Gospel Church and has been a leader in the church for many years.

Haile Nayzgi - held 18 years

Haile Nayzgi
Haile Nayzgi
During the early morning hours of May 23, 2004, Haile Nayzgi was arrested and taken to Police Station #1 in Asmara. He was the leader of Eritrea’s Full Gospel Church, which is comprised of 120 to 150 house meeting groups.

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