
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Crowd in India takes oath to boycott businesses

Pray for our persecuted family in Chhattisgarh
This is the situation in Chhattisgarh state where Christians—which make up less than 2% of the state’s population of 29.4 million—have been brutally attacked for their faith in a series of assaults and thousands displaced from their homes since last year. 

A day after Easter when a Hindu boy was found murdered by unknown assailants, extremists held a rally against Muslims and Christians where they called for the statewide protest and a complete financial boycott.  As this new protest and call for financial boycott indicates, the situation for Christians (Muslims) in Chhattisgarh remains extremely volatile. Many hundreds of Christians are still living in poorly equipped shelters. Those who return to their villages don’t just face violence—they’ve also lost their livelihoods, possessions and homes. And this statewide boycott will likely force even more Christians to leave their homes and communities in search of housing and survival. 

As Dhruv asks, let’s pray boldly for our persecuted family. 
  • Pray for peace, safety and security for believers who are living in fear.
  • Pray that Indian authorities take action to support and protect Christian communities and businesses.
  • Pray that God would soften and change the hearts of these persecutors. 
  • Pray that this boycott would not succeed and these business owners would find favor with their communities. 
  • Pray that our sisters and brothers would find peace and strength in Scripture, prayer and each other as they walk through this storm. 
  • Pray for provision for church leaders whose livelihood often depends on their congregation’s gifts. Ask God to protect and care for them and their families.
  • Pray that the global church would wake up to what’s happening to our global family and take action through prayer and support. 

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