
Thursday, March 23, 2023

SOUTH ASIA: Persecuted Christians Translate New Testament

Source: VOMC
Sources: Mission Network News, Wycliffe Associates

A man reading the Bible (Unsplash image)


"Seeds of the Gospel often grow in secret in this part of the world.... Oppression and persecution are lurking around every corner...and everyone is watching. Always. To lead a Bible translation team in this part of the world – coming up against spiritual strongholds that have been in place for centuries – men and women risk everything." This is the way that the Wycliffe Associates ministry describes the Bible translation work that is being done by dedicated servants in Asia. Despite the dangers, these believers are responding to the need for the Gospel message to be spread.

Persecuted Christians in a particular South Asian country (unnamed for security reasons) were recently able to celebrate the work of local translators, together with the team at Wycliffe Associates, over the completion of the first New Testament in the "heart language" of a minority people group. The translation team is excited to now receive an opportunity to translate the Old Testament as well. Wycliffe has also identified five other languages used within the nation that are still in need of Bible translations.

Tony Tophoney, Director of Field Operations for Wycliffe Associates, entreats Christians around the world: "Join us in prayer for these brave souls who are really serving Christ, in some cases being martyred, for the cause of Bible translation in their area."

Praise God that His Word is now being made available to this rural people group, thanks to the dedication of faithful servants who are willing to risk their lives in order to translate the Scriptures for their people. 

May He continue to bless their efforts by providing the resources needed to complete the translation of the Old Testament and protection from opposition throughout the process. 

As a result of their unwavering commitment to ensure community members have access to the Scriptures in their own language, may many new names be written in the Lamb's "Book of Life" (Revelation 21:22-27).

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