
Thursday, March 23, 2023

PAKISTAN: Acquitted Christian Remains in "Virtual Prison"

Source: VOMC
Source: Steadfast Global

Sawan Masih sitting with his family; all faces pixelated except Sawan's.

Sawan Masih and his family.
Photo: Steadfast Global


In 2013, Sawan Masih was arrested after his neighbour accused him of committing blasphemy. When the accused Christian man was convicted in 2014, he received the death sentence. After serving six years in prison, he was acquitted of all charges on October 5th, 2020, by the Lahore High Court. For more details on his case, go to this page.

Over five months ago, a Persecution & Prayer Alert report was posted describing the dire situation facing Sawan and his family (read more). 

Sadly, even though he has been acquitted, the persecution still being experienced by him and his family is cause for great concern. Steadfast Global, VOMC's partnering ministry in Scotland, reports that the family is unable to leave the refuge of a safehouse because of ongoing death threats. As a result of the circumstances, they remain virtually in prison.

Steadfast Global has been able to arrange living accommodations for them in Scotland, provided the UK government gives Sawan and his family permission to enter the country. Petitions to governmental leaders continue to be made on behalf of this persecuted family, in hopes they will be allowed to travel soon.

Praise God for the diligent advocacy work of the Steadfast Global team in their efforts to provide Sawan and his family safety and freedom in the UK. 

May these endeavours be used to raise greater awareness of their plight and further encourage governmental leaders to proactively respond, so this endangered family can be rescued from their virtual prison. 

In general, please pray for persecuted believers throughout Pakistan, asking God to give them wisdom and guidance as they interact with those opposed to the Gospel, so that similar situations would not arise. 

Ultimately, may God's Spirit work throughout the nation of Pakistan, enlightening many who are living in darkness with the light of His truth and bringing conviction to the hearts of sinners in need of the Saviour's mighty rescue.

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