
Thursday, February 20, 2025

EGYPT: Prisoners Released After Years of Detention

Source: VOMC
 ADF International, USCIRF, International Christian Concern, Morning Star News, Amnesty International

Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo

Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo
Photo: ADF International

Originally from Yemen, Abdulbaqi Saeed Abdo was forced to flee to Egypt in 2014 after being subjected to violent attacks because of his conversion to Christianity. Then, in 2021, Abdulbaqi was arrested by Egyptian officials following an interview he did for a Christian television program addressing the topic of persecution in Yemen. Additionally, he was identified as a member of a Facebook group for those who had converted from Islam to Christianity. Nour Gerges, an Egyptian Coptic believer who also participated in the same Facebook group, was arrested at the same time.

Both men were detained without charge for more than three years. According to Abdulbaqi's family members, he was in poor health during that time. Thankfully, both believers were released from detention on January 23rd. Abdulbaqi has since been reunited with his wife and five children in Canada. Details on the location and condition of Nour Girgis are not yet available.

Even though the two men were released, Egyptian authorities have not dropped the blasphemy charges against either of them. And while Abdulbaqi is no longer in the country, he is working to clear his name.

To learn more about the persecution of Christians in Egypt, and/or to view recorded documentaries/podcast interviews, go to our country report.

  • Praise God for the recent release of these two believers in Christ!
  • Pray that all charges against them will be completely dropped.
  • May they both experience full recoveries from the physical injuries they sustained – along with the mental anguish they experienced – during their terms of incarceration.
  • Ask the Lord to provide wisdom, grace and guidance to all those in Eqypt who are evangelizing and discipling others while surrounded by opposition.

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