
Thursday, October 3, 2024

Pray for Lebanon

October 2024

Since October 2023, tensions between Hezbollah and Israel have reached dangerous new heights. What began as clashes have turned into devastating violence, with Israel launching significant airstrikes against Hezbollah’s positions.

Just days ago, on September 23, 2024, Israel launched a massive assault that resulted in the deaths of over 490 people. These are not just numbers; they are lives, souls loved by God.

Over half a million people have been forced to flee their homes, escaping the south of Lebanon for safer ground in Beirut and other areas. The loss and suffering are immense.

Schools are closed, families are torn apart, and fear grips the hearts of many. As the conflict worsens, both sides claim to be acting in self-defense, but the result is the same—innocent lives often caught in the crossfire.

In this chaos, we, as Christians, grapple with difficult questions. How do we show mercy to those who have wronged us while still holding fast to justice? How do we offer compassion without compromising our values? How do we reflect the light of Christ’s love in the face of overwhelming darkness?

Refugees, both Christian and Muslim, are fleeing once more, desperate for safety. People are searching for peace that only Christ can offer.

God has placed a calling on our hearts to serve those in need. We have opened our doors, extending a hand and offering hope in the name of Jesus. Our conference center is becoming a refuge for displaced Christian families, and we are exploring ways to serve the Shi’ites and uprooted Syrians.

Our mission in these turbulent times: to be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing the message of hope and salvation to those in desperate need.

We do not know when this conflict will end, but we trust in a sovereign God whose love knows no bounds. Let's come together, lifting our voices in prayer, believing that peace is possible through Him!

Jesus is called “Mighty God, Everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace”. Join with brothers and sisters throughout the Middle East who are asking our Mighty God to intervene and bring peace to the region.

Pray for an end to this war.

Pray for those trapped in dangerous areas and for the refugees who are once again forced to flee.

Ask for wisdom for our leaders as they navigate these uncharted waters.

Pray for the Church and ask that God gives us the spirit not of fear but of power, self-control and active love that demonstrates the character of Christ.

Pray practically for daily life and sustenance and that students can continue their academic year.

Pray for God’s intervention in changing the way people think and that God will open hearts and transform lives through the power of the Gospel.

Ask that the love of Christ would be present and that His name would be glorified even in the darkest of times.

Pray for the ministry in Lebanon during this time of uncertainty. In word and deed, that they bring the message of hope in Jesus Christ to their neighbours, communities and the refugees they have been serving for many years.

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