
Thursday, September 19, 2024

BURKINA FASO: Hundreds Killed by Islamic Jihadists

Source: VOMC
Sources: Release International, Reuters, Barnabas Fund, La Croix International, Africa News

A dirt street in what appears to be a village.

A street in Burkina Faso.
Photo: Flickr / Jurken (cc)

Since 2015, the West African nation of Burkina Faso has experienced numerous violent attacks by militants linked to al-Qaeda in a deadly Islamic insurgency that has spread from neighbouring Mali. In what is now the single biggest massacre since the start of the ongoing conflict, as many as 400 people were slaughtered during a raid on August 24th.

The town of Barsalogho is located in an area that has been plagued by constant threats from the militants. On the day of the devastating attack, residents were ordered by government troops to dig protective trenches around their community when they were suddenly ambushed by heavily armed fighters who began killing indiscriminately. The trenches that the residents had been digging ended up being used as mass graves for the victims.

One resident, who was able to flee the area, stated: "Barsalogho is regularly attacked by terrorists. But never has an attack been so deadly. The terrorists killed as many people as possible without distinguishing between soldiers, volunteers and civilians." In response to the carnage, the country's prime minister admitted that the civilians who had been recruited to dig the trenches – some involuntarily – had not been adequately protected.

Christians have been disproportionately affected by the violence in Burkina Faso, and churches are frequently targeted by Muslim militants. In a separate incident that took place on August 25th, a church in the small village of Kounla was surrounded by a group of insurgents. Entering the church building, the attackers ordered all the women and children to leave. They then tied up the remaining 26 men and executed them. The militants subsequently set fire to the homes of the believers before stealing their livestock and leaving.
To review other reports on the difficulties facing Christians in Burkina Faso, go to this page.

Please prayerfully uphold the tremendous number of families now grieving the loss of loved ones who were so senselessly killed in these recent attacks, asking God – who is "near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" – to minister His comfort, love and peace. 

Also pray for the healing of the many survivors who were traumatized by the devastating violence (Psalm 34:18). 

May the country's governing forces soon regain control of the region and become adequately equipped to provide all the country's innocent civilians greatly needed protection, assuring them of their safety. 

Ultimately, may each member of these vulnerable communities find refuge under the wings of our compassionate Heavenly Father (Psalm 91:4).

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