
Thursday, September 26, 2024

NIGERIA: Worshippers Slain in Church Attacks; Others Kidnapped

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, Barnabas Fund, Punch Nigeria

Several men are carrying guns. All of their faces are covered.

Militants in Nigeria.
Photo: Voice of America

The village of Bakinpah-Maro in Kaduna State, Nigeria, has been experiencing repeated attacks from Islamic militants. In order to provide greater protection to residents of the community, village leaders recently raised funds to build a security post that would help draw more law enforcement personnel to the area. However, on the morning of Sunday, September 15th, the village was again attacked by militants – believed to be Fulani herdsmen – who specifically targeted two churches in the community.

A Catholic church, as well as an Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) congregation, had been assailed while the Christians conducted their worship services. By the end of the raids, three people were killed and 30 others kidnapped, including Pastor Bernard Gajere who led the ECWA congregation.

An eyewitness of the incident described the situation as "horrendous." "We were helpless as we watched the bandits wreak havoc," recounted the anonymous resident. Villagers are calling on the government to intensify security efforts and do everything possible to rescue the kidnapped hostages.

The members of such vulnerable communities across Nigeria are constantly being subjected to fear and uncertainty, aware that the militants could suddenly attack their villages at any moment, posing them to the risk of further fatalities, looting and kidnapping. In many cases, Christians are particularly targeted by groups adhering to militant Islamic beliefs.
For more information on the travails facing Nigeria's Christians, go to our country report.

Please remember the recently kidnapped Christians in your prayers, asking that they would not only receive God's divine protection while in captivity, but also the strength and peace that comes from the abiding presence of His Holy Spirit. 

May the Lord also pour out His unfailing love and comfort upon the families who are seeking the rapid release of their abducted loved ones. 

For those who have tragically lost family members and/or friends in these recent attacks, pray that they would likewise experience His comforting presence and healing in the midst of their mourning.

PAKISTAN: Christian Woman Convicted of Blasphemy

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern,
 CLAAS-UK, USCIRF, Morning Star News

A woman is holding a cell phone.


In July 2021, Shagufta Kiran was arrested after she forwarded a message in a WhatsApp group chat. The Christian woman was charged with intentionally offending religious feelings and insulting the Islamic prophet Muhammad. While awaiting the court process, the accused believer has remained in custody since the time of her arrest. Following the allegations, Shagufta's family received constant threats. As a result, her husband Rafique and their children have been forced to relocate multiple times in search of safety.
For previously published reports on this believer's case, see this page.

In a verdict announced on September 18th, court officials convicted Shagufta of blasphemy, a crime that carries a mandatory death sentence. This ruling is not surprising, since 99 percent of all blasphemy cases in Pakistan result in a guilty verdict due to external pressures on the courts. The Christian woman's attorney, Rana Abdul Hameed, intends to appeal the decision. He states that Shagufta remained steadfast throughout the trial and is "very hopeful" that the higher courts will reverse the decision.

Human rights advocates continue to raise concerns about the ways in which religious rights are being violated in Pakistan. The country's blasphemy laws are particularly problematic, as they frequently lead to mob violence, protests and extrajudicial killings. In two separate incidents that took place this month, police officers allegedly assassinated individuals who were accused of blasphemy. According to one study, more than 550 other accused citizens are presently being detained in jails within Punjab Province alone. Additionally, at least 103 individuals were charged with blasphemy in Pakistan during the first six months of 2024.
To learn more about the persecution of Christians in this South Asian nation, go to our country report.

Pray that the appeal of Shagufta's case will be heard soon and that it would be successful, allowing this believer to be freed of all charges and safely reunited with her husband and children. 

While prayerfully upholding Shagufta and her family, please remember to intercede on behalf of the many other Christians throughout Pakistan who remain unjustly imprisoned because of their religious beliefs, asking that each one of these mistreated followers of Jesus will be filled with His sustaining peace, strength and comfort. 

May the Lord work mightily in the lives of the court officials, governing leaders of Pakistan, as well as the citizens of the country's general populous, transforming hearts and helping them to change their perception of Christianity – resulting in a greater understanding of Christ's tremendous love for them.

SRI LANKA: Church Services Restricted to Pastor's Family

Source: VOMC

A woman is raising her hands in worship.

Photo: VOMC 

In July, a complaint against the Jesus Jeewamanai Revival Church in Polgahawela was issued by some villagers and Buddhist leaders who opposed the worship services that were taking place at the pastor's home. In response, police requested that the church restrict the number of people attending the gatherings, particularly by limiting participants who were visiting from outside of the community, until guidance was received from the authorities on how to handle the situation.
For more information about this incident, go to this report.

On August 16th, the local Divisional Secretary received a letter from the Department of Christian Religious Affairs. The correspondence stated that the department does not register clergy or churches, nor does it have the legal authority to deal with such situations. The letter further advised that any action relating to such concerns from the community would need to be addressed based on local laws pertaining to public nuisance.

One week later, on August 23rd, the church's pastor received a letter from the local Divisional Secretary. This letter stated that, according to the previously made agreement on July 15th, worshippers must be limited to include only the immediate members of the pastor's family. The pastor denies that any such agreement was reached, stating that he only consented to reduce the number of outside visitors. The Divisional Secretary's letter further twisted the statement received from the Department of Christian Religious Affairs by claiming that the pastor had not been granted permission to hold worship services. It concluded with a statement that any further action would be determined by the Department of Buddhist Affairs, and that in the interim the pastor is not permitted to gather for worship with anyone except those residing within his home.

While Christians in Sri Lanka are generally free to worship, local authorities frequently succumb to opposition from those opposed to Christianity, particularly when instigated by Buddhist religious leaders.
For further details addressing the challenges experienced by followers of Jesus in this South Asian island nation, see our country report.

Please pray for wisdom on behalf of this pastor as he navigates how to best deal with the ongoing conflict caused by those who have rallied against his church. 

Also prayerfully uphold the other affected believers of this village who are now unable to meet together, asking God to minister greatly needed encouragement to each one of them and provide a way for their spiritual needs to be met. 

Continue to remember the many other Christians throughout the country – particularly those residing in rural areas – who are frequently subjected to hostility from local Buddhist leaders and other opposing community members.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

INDIA: Pastor and Church Members Beaten in Violent Attack

Source: VOMC
Source: International Christian Concern

A group of men in white shirts are carrying orange flags and marching through the street.

Hindu nationalists.
Photo: Wikipedia / Suyash Dwivedi (cc)

A pastor and several members of his church were physically attacked on September 8th when Hindu nationalists raided a worship service in Bhubaneswar, Odisha State. The Christians were accused of forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity.

The targeted church members had recently rented a three-story building to conduct their worship services. However, when affiliates of Hindu nationalist groups learned that more than 100 people were attending the services, they decided to take action against the growing church.

Perpetrators of the violence finally ceased their attack when local authorities arrived at the scene and took some people, including Christian worshippers, to the police station for questioning. There, Hindu militants surrounded the station in protest until the arrival of the leading police officer.

False accusations of forcible conversion activities are frequently used against churches and Christian individuals in India.
For more information on the persecution of followers of Jesus in this South Asian nation, go to our country report.

Pray that our Christian brothers and sisters in India who were beaten during this recent attack will fully recover from their injuries and that those responsible for the incident would be held accountable for their wrongful actions. 

Pray also that the authorities would act with justice and equality as they seek to keep the peace in this community. 

May the members of the targeted church not be discouraged by the opposition they've encountered, but rather may they continue to resiliently serve as testimonies of God's saving grace to all those around them.

BURKINA FASO: Hundreds Killed by Islamic Jihadists

Source: VOMC
Sources: Release International, Reuters, Barnabas Fund, La Croix International, Africa News

A dirt street in what appears to be a village.

A street in Burkina Faso.
Photo: Flickr / Jurken (cc)

Since 2015, the West African nation of Burkina Faso has experienced numerous violent attacks by militants linked to al-Qaeda in a deadly Islamic insurgency that has spread from neighbouring Mali. In what is now the single biggest massacre since the start of the ongoing conflict, as many as 400 people were slaughtered during a raid on August 24th.

The town of Barsalogho is located in an area that has been plagued by constant threats from the militants. On the day of the devastating attack, residents were ordered by government troops to dig protective trenches around their community when they were suddenly ambushed by heavily armed fighters who began killing indiscriminately. The trenches that the residents had been digging ended up being used as mass graves for the victims.

One resident, who was able to flee the area, stated: "Barsalogho is regularly attacked by terrorists. But never has an attack been so deadly. The terrorists killed as many people as possible without distinguishing between soldiers, volunteers and civilians." In response to the carnage, the country's prime minister admitted that the civilians who had been recruited to dig the trenches – some involuntarily – had not been adequately protected.

Christians have been disproportionately affected by the violence in Burkina Faso, and churches are frequently targeted by Muslim militants. In a separate incident that took place on August 25th, a church in the small village of Kounla was surrounded by a group of insurgents. Entering the church building, the attackers ordered all the women and children to leave. They then tied up the remaining 26 men and executed them. The militants subsequently set fire to the homes of the believers before stealing their livestock and leaving.
To review other reports on the difficulties facing Christians in Burkina Faso, go to this page.

Please prayerfully uphold the tremendous number of families now grieving the loss of loved ones who were so senselessly killed in these recent attacks, asking God – who is "near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit" – to minister His comfort, love and peace. 

Also pray for the healing of the many survivors who were traumatized by the devastating violence (Psalm 34:18). 

May the country's governing forces soon regain control of the region and become adequately equipped to provide all the country's innocent civilians greatly needed protection, assuring them of their safety. 

Ultimately, may each member of these vulnerable communities find refuge under the wings of our compassionate Heavenly Father (Psalm 91:4).

SYRIA: Islamist Commander Confiscates Land of Christians

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Independent Catholic News, The Christian Post

A farmer is checking his tomato plants.

A farmer in Syria.
Photo: UN Development Programme (cc)

The Syrian city of Ras al-Ein, which happens to be located along the country's border with Türkiye, is currently under the control of a coalition of Islamist militias associated with the Turkish-backed rebel group, the Syrian National Army (SNA). In June 2024, a SNA commander named Abdulaziz Al-Sawadi visited the St. Thomas Syriac Orthodox Church in Ras al-Ein and expressed his commitment to develop a positive relationship with the small number of Christians remaining in the area. During his visit, the commander also vowed to provide the believers protection.

Regrettably, the Christian community did not receive the protection promised to them. It was recently reported that 500 acres of farmland have since been confiscated from Christians residing in the area by a commander from one of the affiliated Islamist militia groups. Along with the confiscations, the militia groups are threatening to increase the farmers' taxes from 20 to 35 percent.

A local tribal chief has condemned the imposed actions. "We have tried to reach out to these militias and their Turkish masters, but they have constantly ignored us," the chief explained. "Our Christian brothers have contributed massively to the development and richness of our area. They ran the most successful education, agricultural and health projects, and we are concerned that the remaining Christians will be forced to leave, which would be a big loss for us all."

Speaking of the militia groups, a Muslim tribal leader stated: "They don't represent us; they only represent themselves and their backers. They are worse than Assad's officials, who were corrupt but didn't interfere with personal and religious freedoms." For additional information outlining the troubling situations facing Christians in Syria, go to our country report.

Prayerfully remember the beleaguered Christians in Syria who are encountering various challenges from multiple militia groups, asking the Lord to encourage, strengthen and meet the needs of these faithful followers of Jesus. 

May a stable governing force be established in the country; one that would take into account the concerns and rights of all Syrian citizens. 

Furthermore, pray that believers in Ras al-Ein – as well as those in other areas of this Middle Eastern nation – will serve as consistent witnesses to their neighbouring community members, leading many more to faith in Christ.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

INDIA: Family of Deceased Pastor Forcibly Converted to Hinduism

Source: VOMC
Source: International Christian Concern

A group of people are standing in a cemetery.


Pastor Manju, an outspoken leader and prominent advocate for Christian rights in India, pastored churches in two different villages within Chhattisgarh State. Sadly, Pastor Manju suffered a heart attack on August 28th and suddenly passed away, leaving his surviving wife, daughter and two sons grief-stricken and in a state of shock.

The next morning, his grieving family and church members gathered for the funeral service, where they were joined by ten other pastors from outside their community. However, the service was suddenly interrupted when a group of villagers refused to allow the pastor's body to be buried in the local cemetery. After pleas from Pastor Manju's family, the villagers agreed to the burial if a fine of approximately $3,200 CAD was paid. In addition, the family was asked to participate in a ghar wapsi ritual – a ceremony that would symbolize the Christians' conversion to Hinduism.

When local police arrived to deal with the situation, the officers concurred with the villagers' demands – stating that those living within a village must comply with the rules of that village. They warned the visiting pastors to leave if they did not agree with the conditions. Ignoring pleas from the church leaders, who made valid arguments about religious freedom, the officers chased the pastors away. Without any help from the authorities, or the supportive presence of the ousted pastors, Pastor Manju's wife and children were forced to participate in the village's Hindu ceremony, and the church leader's body was buried with non-Christian rites.

While arrests and violence frequently occur in India when Christians are accused of conducting "forcible conversions," the same conditions do not apply when followers of Jesus are pressured to convert to Hinduism. For instance, in early August, a similar incident took place in Odisha State involving the forced conversions of over 100 tribal Christians.
(A report of the situation can be reviewed here.) For further information on the persecution of our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ, go to our country report.

Please prayerfully uphold Pastor Manju's family and congregation members as they grieve the loss of this dear husband, father and church leader. 

May they tangibly sense God's love, comfort and strength as they now cope with the emotional distress of not only their sudden loss but also the recent circumstances involving the burial service. 

As a result, may this deceased pastor's wife and children be fully restored in their relationship with the Lord. 

Overall, pray that our persecuted Christian family in India's state of Chhattisgarh will not become despondent in the face of opposition, but rather that they be divinely encouraged, empowered in their faith, and emboldened to reach out to those around them with the hope of the Gospel.

RWANDA: Thousands of Churches Face Closures

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christianity Today,
 BBC, INcontext International, CHVN Radio, Monitor

President Kagame is standing at a podium.

Rwandan President Paul Kagame
Photo: World Travel & Tourism Council (cc)

In 2018, the Rwandan government introduced legislation requiring churches to comply with new regulations. At the time, more than 7,000 churches were closed due to alleged health, safety and noise issues. Other restrictions banned pastors from encouraging long fasts, mandated increased financial disclosure, and required church leaders to hold a degree in theology. While thousands of churches were closed at the time, other congregations were given five years to comply with the demands.

Starting in July of this year, the governing officials began a campaign to further enforce their regulations. According to a statement from the Rwanda Governance Board, which oversees the country's places of worship, 14,000 prayer houses were inspected in July. As a result, 70 percent of the investigated church groups were closed for "noncompliance with established regulations, including registration, building codes, safety, hygiene/sanitation, and financial or other exploitation of followers."

Many of the affected congregations are small, independent Pentecostal churches; some of which had been meeting in caves or by riverbanks. By contrast, the more established churches (including those that are part of an umbrella organization) were, for the most part, unaffected. This is likely due to the fact that smaller congregations without an association of affiliated churches usually lack the financial resources required for meeting the authorities' expectations – whether it be adequate greenery, painted walls, air conditioning, security cameras, and other expensive upgrades. The leaders of at least one denomination have since called on their churches to contribute to a fund that aims to help reopen the forcibly closed places of worship.

Along with shutting down congregations for noncompliance, the country's president, Paul Kagame, recently condemned "mushrooming churches" that supposedly "squeeze even the last penny from poor Rwandans." During his speech, he also proposed a tax on church collections in order to prevent Christian leaders from allegedly enriching themselves on the backs of Rwandan citizens.

Pray for greatly needed encouragement on behalf of the many believers throughout Rwanda who have been forced to close down their places of worship. 

May God mightily intervene in each of their situations so that our Rwandan brothers and sisters in Christ will be granted opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth. 

Additionally, pray that the country's governing officials will be willing to work with the congregations that are not able to meet the strict requirements, reaching an amiable resolution so their churches will be permitted to reopen. 

Ultimately, despite the barriers that have recently been put in place by the authorities, pray that the message of salvation through faith in Christ will continue to spread across the nation of Rwanda.

NICARAGUA: Recent Release of 135 Prisoners, Including Christian Workers

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Daily, Mountain Gateway, Voice of America, Reuters

Ten pictures of pastoral leaders who were released.

Pastors and ministry leaders who were released.
Photo: ADF International

Churches and nonprofit organizations in Nicaragua have been encountering increasing harassment from the government under the leadership of President Daniel Ortega. In recent years, dozens of religious leaders were arrested or expelled from the country and hundreds of organizations have been shut down.

One of the many organizations affected by the ongoing crackdown is the American-based ministry, Mountain Gateway. In December 2023, the organization's registration was revoked. Following this action, all assets were seized, and charges were laid against 11 local pastors, three American staff members and two lawyers who had been working for the organization. The Americans were not in the country at the time, but the other 13 Christians were detained and convicted of money laundering in March 2024.

On September 5th, the American government announced that, through secret negotiations, the release of 135 imprisoned Nicaraguan citizens had been arranged on humanitarian grounds, including the 13 believers from Mountain Gateway. Also among the recently released prisoners were Catholic ministry workers, students and other individuals who had been considered a threat to Nicaragua's authoritarian regime. All those who were released have since been transported to Guatemala, where they will be processed as refugees and given the opportunity to seek residence in the United States or other nations.

In response to this news, the founder of Mountain Gateway, Jon Britton Hancock, exclaimed: "This is the day we have prayed and believed God for. These pastors and attorneys have suffered greatly for the sake of the Gospel, but it has not been in vain. The Kingdom of God is advancing because of their persecution. Today, we cry tears of joy because our brothers and sisters are free!"
To review previously published reports addressing persecution in Nicaragua, see this page.

Praise God for the safe release of these prisoners! Continue to pray for the many other innocent people who continue to be arbitrarily detained in Nicaragua, as well as those who have been unjustly expelled from the country. 

Pray for the ongoing ministry efforts of the nation's remaining believers, asking that they be given continued wisdom, protection and courage, as well as the spiritual strength needed to withstand the oppressive campaign of their governing leaders.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Egypt - Christian Woman Missing

Source: iCommitToPray

Though Egypt is 13% Christian, Muslim women who convert to Christianity there can face severe persecution.
Though Egypt is 13% Christian, Muslim women who convert to Christianity there can face severe persecution.
Sep. 05, 2024 | Egypt

An Egyptian Christian convert from Islam has faced intense family pressure since becoming a follower of Christ. The woman’s father is an imam, an Islamic scholar, which made it difficult for her to be in public without scrutiny. In Egypt, Christian converts from Islam can experience harsh opposition from their families. Their Muslim families often feel an intense sense of shame or dishonor because they see their relatives’ new Christian faith as an affront to Islam. Christian converts are sometimes even killed in so-called “honor killings” by their close relatives. A front-line worker reported that this Christian woman has now gone missing, and he requested prayer for her based on Psalm 3, which says, “But you, O Lord, are a shield about me … Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God!”

Pray that this new believer will be found safe and unharmed.

Pray that the Christian community will provide the assistance she needs as well as providing the fellowship she needs as she grows in her faith.

Pray for her family that they will be drawn to faith in Jesus.

Pray for all Christians in Egypt to be a faithful witness even as they face persecution in this majority Muslim country.

Come Holy Spirit I Need You (Lyrics)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

PAKISTAN: Christian Brothers Charged with Blasphemy

Source: VOMC
Sources: British Asian Christian Association, Morning Star News

Several people are enjoying the rides at a local fair.

A village fair in Pakistan.
Photo: Wikimedia / Sarwanmemon.muet (cc)

Shail Masih and his twin brother Rahil were celebrating at a village fair on August 26th. Along with many other community members, the 18-year-old Christian brothers went on a carnival ride and threw fake currency notes into the crowd. Unfortunately, it was discovered that some of the slips of paper thrown by the participants contained Quranic verses. It was assumed by those present that the young Christian men were the ones responsible, leading to the arrest of their mother and grandfather.

The arrested family members were released from custody when the twin brothers arrived at the police station. The complainant, Ghulam Mustafa, alleged that Shail and Rahil were making TikTok videos while throwing the scraps of paper. However, as the brothers are illiterate and come from an impoverished family, they would not have known what was written on any of the papers. One report suggests that either they or someone else may have inadvertently torn pages from a Quranic booklet.

The brothers have since been arrested and charged with blasphemy. While many blasphemy charges in Pakistan result from personal or business disputes, sometimes issues can arise as a result of ignorance or illiteracy.
For more details on the problems encountered by Christians in Pakistan, go to our country report.

Pray that the truth will come to light in this legal case, so these unassuming young men can be released from custody. 

In the meantime, please remember their Christian family in your prayers, asking our Heavenly Father to provide His peace, strength and encouragement, as well as divine protection, while they deal with the aftermath of the accusations. 

May followers of Christ throughout Pakistan, who are frequently subjected to various forms of severe oppression because of their faith in Christ, continue to hold steadfastly onto their identity as children of God.

MEXICO: Christians Face Expulsion and Extensive Property Loss

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, El Universal Oaxaca, Christian Daily

People are holding a sign at a protest. The sign when translated reads, "Stop the persecution of the Christian church. Peace for evangelicals also to religious intolerance. A municipality without Evangelical persecution of San Juan Lalana Mexico from Christian persecution. Freedom for the Christian church of San Juan Lalana."

Evangelicals protesting in Oaxaca.
Photo: CSW

In November 2023, community leaders of San Isidro Arenal, a town located within Oaxaca State, mandated that Roman Catholicism will be the only religion permitted in their community. Following this decision, 13 evangelical families began to experience threats and violence from those opposing them. A month later, three of the families were forcibly expelled and took refuge in the Playa Vicente Municipality of Veracruz State.

On August 6th, the situation escalated when the families remaining in the community had their lands and livestock confiscated. The victims' homes and fields were destroyed, and their church building was set on fire. A group of four evangelical Christian leaders arrived at the community ten days later to provide needed assistance to those who were affected by the vandalism. However, upon their arrival, the visiting leaders were attacked by a mob, stripped, beaten and detained for over six hours.

Even anyone in the community who merely expresses support for the affected families is at risk of danger. On August 18th, Lucia Antonia, who is not a member of the church, was ordered to leave the community for demonstrating support for the victims.

The Roman Catholic archbishop of Oaxaca has distanced the Roman Catholic Church from the situation, denouncing "competition for parishioners" and stating that all people must respect each other. On August 20th, the secretary of the state government claimed that the issue had been addressed, denying the possibility that further violence and forced displacement could take place.

The next day, however, while most of the threatened community members were in meetings with state officials, their homes were looted and destroyed. Additionally, three women who remained in the community while the others attended the meeting were forcibly taken away, only to be left abandoned on a roadside a few hours away from their homes.

In tribal areas of Mexico, such as those located within Oaxaca State, aspects of Roman Catholicism have frequently been combined with traditional indigenous religions, resulting in a syncretistic religious system comprised of conflicting rituals and practices. Those who don't comply with the imposed tribal beliefs frequently face rejection from members of their communities.
For further details, and/or to read previously published reports relating to Christian persecution in various areas of Mexico, go to our country profile.

Pray that God will divinely intervene in this situation so that each one of these victimized villagers can rightfully retain their homes and possessions. 

In the meanwhile, as they await justice, may they be provided greatly needed practical assistance, comfort and protection. 

Ask the Lord to especially minister in spiritual ways throughout the region of Oaxaca State, strengthening the faith and community relations of His people despite the opposition they have endured. 

Ultimately, may peace, equity and harmony be restored so that the members of each tribal village can enjoy the benefits and blessings of a thriving community.

SRI LANKA: Church Building Pelted with Stones; Worshippers Restricted Access

Source: VOMC

Christians are seated on floor mats as they pray together. Two women are in the foreground.

A group of Christians praying together.
Photo: VOMC

The Jesus Jeewamanai Revival Church in the town of Polgahawela has been the target of attacks perpetrated by disgruntled members of the community who oppose their place of worship. On July 7th and 11th, stones were thrown at the church building. Then, on July 14th, before the Christians' Sunday services were scheduled to begin, villagers blocked the road leading to the building in order to prevent the congregants and their pastor from accessing the facility.

As a result, an official complaint was issued with the local police about the obstruction. The officers requested that the church members cancel their services that day and ordered those blocking the road to disperse from the area. The next day, the pastor attended a meeting at the police station to further discuss the issue. He brought along with him another pastor, a church worker, as well as the landlady of the building in which the congregation regularly meets. Also present at the meeting were five opposing Buddhist religious leaders and about 40 villagers. Throughout that time, approximately 200 additional villagers gathered outside the police station in protest of the church members' activities.

The opposing villagers and their Buddhist leaders demanded that all worship services be permanently stopped. When the pastor responded by stating that he and his church members were acting within their constitutional rights, the police concurred. A request was then made by the opposing villagers, stating that anyone from outside the area should not be permitted to gather at the church. However, this condition was rejected by the pastor. In the end, the church members were told to limit the total number of people attending their worship services while further information was being sought by the authorities.

Much of the opposition encountered by churches in Sri Lanka comes from local villagers who are often provoked by Buddhist leaders in their communities.
To learn more about the hardships experienced by followers of Jesus in Sri Lanka, go to our country report.

Pray that appropriate action will be taken to protect the religious freedoms of our Christian brothers and sisters from the Jesus Jeewamanai Revival Church

As these believers endeavour to reach out to those of the community around them with the "Good News" of God's salvation, may they be empowered with His wisdom, strength and compassion – responding to their opponents with love and grace. 

As a result, may the hostile members of their community come to understand the truth of the Gospel and willingly turn to faith in Christ.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Uganda - An evangelist was reportedly slaughtered with swords this month after leading Muslims to Jesus.

Source: CBN

Yowabu Sebakaki, 52, was allegedly killed by Muslim extremists while returning home on a bike to a village in Nyanza. A man named David Nkomba was with him at the time and recounted what unfolded.

Sebakaki was reportedly leading a discipleship class for new believers before the tragic incident, Morning Star News reported.

“Just when we were five kilometers from reaching the homestead, at around 6:20 p.m. a motorcycle came up just behind us, and in no given time Sebakaki was struck with an object, which happened to be a ‘panga’ [long Somali sword] on the back near the neck,” Nkomba told the outlet. “He fell down and … then was cut by another panga at the head. Sebakaki became unconscious due to too much bleeding.”

He continued, “Other attackers were shouting, ‘Your time … has come, and pray hard if your God will save you – you have been deceiving people about life after death given by Issa [Jesus].'”

Nkomba escaped but claims to have recognized one of the assailants as a young radical Muslim.

Sebakaki, who died on his way to the hospital, had reportedly been receiving threats from Islamic extremists. And, in January, he was reportedly beaten by extremists after having a debate — and making a compelling case for Christianity — with Muslim scholars.

In one such threat, militants demanded he “stop preaching as well as converting … faithful Muslims to Christianity.” The menacing message went on to say his life would be endangered if he refused to halt his Gospel-sharing. Read more here.

This news comes after another evangelist, Richard Malinga, was reportedly slaughtered in eastern Uganda earlier this summer by Muslim extremists after he shared the Gospel and converted people to the Christian faith.

As CBN News reported, Malinga’s body was discovered June 17 in a pool of blood and “tied with ropes,” according to a resident who spoke with Morning Star News on condition of anonymity.

Tragically, anti-Christian acts of violence continue in Uganda.

According to Voice of the Martyrs, Uganda is a majority Christian nation, but Islamic extremism is still at work within its borders. This has led to discrimination, persecution, and other chaos. These issues are particularly problematic for Muslims who convert to Christianity.

“Radical Islam’s influence has grown steadily, and many Christians within the majority Muslim border regions are facing severe persecution, especially those who convert from Islam,” the persecution watchdog notes. “Despite the risks, many churches in Uganda have responded by reaching out to their neighbors; many churches are training leaders how to share the Gospel with Muslims and care for those who are persecuted after they become Christians.”

As CBN News previously reported, Twaha Namwoyo, 38, and Nadiimu Katooko, 27, were a husband and wife and the parents of four children in the Ugandan village of Bulalaka. They were killed earlier this year just two months after converting to Christianity. Read more about their story here.

Pray for the safety of Nkomba and other Christians evangelizing and witnessing in Uganda.

Pray for the courage and safety of Christian converts from Islam who are now sharing the gospel.

Pray for more believers who can respond to the increasing number of Christian converts from Islam.