
Thursday, May 9, 2024

CHINA: Verdict Against Christian Elders

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Elder Hao Ming is sitting with his wife at a shoreline.

Elder Hao Ming with his wife.
Photo: ChinaAid

In November 2021, Wu Jiannan and Hao Ming were arrested on suspicion of fraud. On March 15th, 2023, after spending more than two years in detention, the two Christian elders were released on bail pending their trials.

On April 9th of this year, the trials for both of these Christian workers finally took place. Considered guilty by the Jingyang District People's Court, they were each sentenced to three years in prison with a five-year suspended sentence. Each of these accused men were also fined 30,000 yuan (approximately $5,700 CAD). Additionally, Elder Wu was ordered to return all the funds received from the church, which amounted to approximately $20,000.

Elder Hao Ming, who has rejected all the accusations, never pleaded guilty nor accepted the punishment. This Christian elder says that he does not plan to appeal the verdict; rather, he is relying on God's righteousness for vindication.
To learn more about the cases against these two church leaders, along with reports addressing the many challenges encountered by our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters in China, go to our country report.

Prayerfully ask God to minister great peace and comfort to both of these accused men and their individual families. 

May He also continue to guide, strengthen and encourage all other followers of Jesus throughout China who are likewise facing governmental opposition because of their faith and Christian activities. 

May the Lord work mightily in the lives of the country's authorities – softening their hearts towards the things of God – so that His people will be permitted to worship openly and freely without any threat of arrest or harassment.

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