
Thursday, July 25, 2024

PAKISTAN: Christian Killed After Advocating for Harassed Victims

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, Pakistan Christian Post, Release International

Marshall Masih

Marshall Masih
Photo: Morning Star News

Marshall Masih, a Christian father of four, was gunned down by four men from his neighbourhood in the city of Lahore during the early hours of July 10th. Marshall (who was also known as Bunty) had previously filed a police complaint against two Muslim neighbours, named Shani and Azam, because they had been harassing Christian women in the area and shooting their guns into the air. In retaliation, the two men broke into Marshall's home with the help of two other local Muslims and shot the young father 15 times.

The killing has left an entire family without support, as Marshall was the sole provider for his wife and children, as well as his elderly parents. Following the devastating attack, his sister Goshi stated, "The Muslims were offended that a Christian had taken a stance against their criminal activities and, by killing him in cold blood, they have shown that our lives do not matter."

While police are presently investigating the incident, no arrests have been made at the time of publishing this report. Christians in the community have protested the lack of response from the authorities, stating that the attackers are known drug dealers who had recently been released from jail. Investigations for crimes against followers of Jesus in Pakistan are frequently delayed or dismissed due to pressure from militant Muslim community members.
For other reports on the maltreatment of Christians in Pakistan, go to our country information.

Please prayerfully uphold Marshall's wife, Mehdi, along with his children, sisters and parents as they deal with the sudden loss of this young man, asking the Lord to minister peace, protection and comfort in each of their lives. 

May the local authorities actively pursue justice against those responsible for this senseless tragedy. 

As for the difficult financial situation the victim's loved ones are now experiencing, pray that our Heavenly Father will abundantly provide for their daily practical needs, as well as provisions of spiritual strength, healing and the grace to forgive the perpetrators of the crime.

INDIA: Rajasthan State to Introduce Anti-Conversion Legislation

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern, The Indian Express, Hindustan Times,
 VOM Australia

A man is sitting with his Bible open. He is speaking to a group of people.

Photo: VOMC

In an affidavit filed earlier this month before India's Supreme Court, officials from the Indian state of Rajasthan announced their plans to introduce legislation that would ban so-called forced religious conversions. The proposal comes after the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) took control of the state following elections in late November, unseating the more centrist Indian National Congress.

If implemented, Rajasthan would become the 11th of the country's 28 states to implement such legislation. A lawyer representing the state claims that the government intends to take "stringent steps to control fraudulent religious conversion and religious conversion by intimidation, threatening, and deceivingly luring through gifts and monetary benefits." Unfortunately, such laws have shown to be overbroad and frequently abused by militant Hindus in order to specifically target Christians.

After state elections last year in Karnataka, the victory of the Indian National Congress party resulted in the repeal of similar legislation in June 2023, only a year after it had been passed.
For more details, see this report. To access previously published reports describing how Christians in India have been affected by anti-conversion laws, go to our country profile.

Pray for guidance on behalf of Christians in Rajasthan and the country's other states where the widely abused anti-conversion laws have already been enacted. 

May our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ receive greatly needed wisdom, discernment and courage, especially as they endeavour to share the message of the Gospel to the spiritually impoverished all around them, so that multitudes more will come to faith in Jesus. 

Further, pray that as the anti-conversion laws are being debated, God will sovereignly guide the legislative decisions of the country's governing leaders – resulting in religious freedom and the protection of human rights for all citizens.

PAKISTAN: New Law Enacted to Protect Christian Girls Under 18

Source: VOMC
Sources: Agenzia Fides, Zenit, National Catholic Register, Christian Daily, Morning Star News

A group of children is looking up at the person taking the picture.

Children in Pakistan.
Photo: Flickr / DFID (cc)

In a decision referred to as "a step forward" by Christian leaders, the National Assembly of Pakistan recently passed an amendment to an act governing Christian marriages, banning matrimony for Christians under the age of 18. After the law was enacted on July 10th, Naveed Amir Jeeva, a Christian member of the National Assembly, stated, "The legislation aims to protect young girls from early and forced marriages, ensuring their access to education and health."

The legislation is limited in that it only applies to the Islamabad Capital Territory – a federal region centred around the nation's capital city. However, there are hopes that it will be used as a template to expand such policies throughout Pakistan. A similar law was introduced in the province of Punjab in April but has not yet been passed.

Christian girls in Pakistan are frequently kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam, and then married to their kidnappers. A recent example of this concerns the abduction of Alina Masih, a 14-year-old Christian girl who was taken from her home in Islamabad on June 24th. The family learned three days later that she had allegedly converted to Islam and married a butcher in the area named Haider Ali. Alina's parents are fighting to recover their daughter but have faced daunting challenges from the police, as well as personal health issues.
To review additional reports addressing similar incidents in Pakistan, and/or those relating to other forms of Christian persecution, go to our country profile.

Prayerfully uphold Alina's family members as they seek to recover this young teenage girl from her kidnapper. 

While awaiting deliverance from captivity, pray that Alina will also be filled with divine strength, courage and hope, placing her trust in the Lord to rescue her from this horrific situation. 

In the midst of the ongoing violence against vulnerable victims like Alina, we can be thankful for the recent legislation that was passed by the Pakistani national government in order to prevent such cases from occurring in the future. 

May the legislation in Punjab likewise be passed, leading to the enactment of similar laws throughout the nation. Moreover, may policies be established and enforced to stop the forcible conversions of Christians at any age. 

In the meantime, please continue to pray for the safe return of the many innocent Pakistani girls and young women who have previously been kidnapped and presently remain in difficult and forced relationships.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

NIGERIA: Ongoing Violence Leads to Church Closures

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, International Christian Concern,
 ECSPE, Open Doors USA

Rev. Amos Mohzo is smiling.

Pastor Amos Mohzo
Photo: Morning Star News

Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. One estimate states that, on average, every two hours there is a Christian in Nigeria who dies. The ongoing brutality comes from numerous directions, and news reports only reflect a small portion of the violent incidents that take place – whether they involve fatalities, abductions or the destruction of properties. In many cases, multiple atrocities take place during a terrorist attack.

In addition to the physical effects of the violence, the psychological impacts on communities are extreme. Survivors often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. Furthermore, the constant threat of attacks makes it very difficult for communities to rebuild and thrive.

In one recent incident, Islamic Fulani militants ambushed the village of Maiyanga in Plateau State on July 7th. Three Christians had been killed in the raid and two others were injured. During a previous attack in Plateau State that took place on June 2nd, Pastor Dauda Dalyop from the hamlet of Ari Songo was killed alongside his wife Chummy Dauda, in addition to three other slain victims: Chwe Ajuhs, Joshua Kusa and Rikwe Doro.

For one denomination, continued attacks have forced 70 churches to close in northeastern Nigeria. Pastor Amos Mohzo, who serves as president for the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), reported: "All our worship church buildings in these communities were burned down by terrorists. Christians are still living in camps outside their communities." According to Pastor Amos, while the church desires to continue reaching out to others with the Gospel message, the ongoing attacks are preventing their evangelistic activities. "How can we deliberately jeopardize and endanger the lives of those called to ministry when we know that they'll become targets of terrorist attacks?"

For Christians in Nigeria who suffer kidnappings, such attacks cause severe trauma and heartache to the victims, as well as those who love them. In March 2023, Pastor Paul Musa and his wife were kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists. Often, the militants behind these attacks make exorbitant ransom demands which are impossible to pay. Pastor Amos recently visited the children of the kidnapped couple, who pled on behalf of their parents. "The children are always crying...always in tears for their parents. It pains my heart to see these children in this way," he lamented.

In the midst of the pain, there are also occasions for joy. On July 7th, a Roman Catholic priest, Mikah Suleiman, was safely released from captivity. No details have been announced concerning the identities of his kidnappers nor the terms for his release. In a video-recorded message released shortly after Father Mikah's homecoming, the priest said: "I want to thank you for your prayers and support towards my rescue. By the grace of God, I'm out from the hands of the bandits."

With the ongoing trauma experienced by our Nigerian family in Christ – along with the constant risk of further attacks – church leaders in the country are seeking ways to effectively help their congregations. Recently, VOMC's Greg Musselman travelled to Nigeria, along with one of our credible ministry partners, to present the Theology of Persecution and Discipleship course to pastors in affected areas.
You may view the June 2024 Closer to the Fire podcast episode to hear about this training opportunity at this page. To read more about the violence committed against Christians in Nigeria, and to access other informative video reports, see our country profile.

Please prayerfully uphold all those who have been affected by the ongoing violence in Nigeria. 

For those mourning the loss of their loved ones, may God's Spirit bring greatly needed comfort. 

For those who have been kidnapped, pray that they will be safely released from captivity. 

In the meantime, may the captives and their anxious family members be filled with God's peace which is beyond all comprehension (Philippians 4:7). 

Also intercede for the many followers of Jesus who have lost their homes, businesses and churches in the destruction. 

Despite the violence, may the Gospel message of eternal life spread throughout communities across Nigeria, bringing peace, hope and harmony to this beleaguered nation.

INDONESIA: Church Threatened with Eviction

Source: VOMC
Source: International Christian Concern

A white church with blue trim clearly displays a cross on the front.

A church in Indonesia.
Photo: VOMC

Local authorities have threatened to evict a church in West Java because of its proximity to the Indonesian International Islamic University, despite the church having met previously in that location for nine years. The HKI Juanda Church in Depok, which consists of more than 150 members, is located on the edge of cultivated land. However, since the university was founded in September 2021, it has taken over the property of the neighbouring land.

Hearings are currently being held with officials from the university and the government to determine the fate of the church. At last report, no decision has yet been made. Reflecting on the situation, an elder from the church proclaimed: "We aspire to remain here despite our lack of power. With the collective prayers of our friends, we hold onto hope."
For more reports about Christian persecution in Indonesia, go to our country profile.

As negotiations over the land dispute continue to take place, pray that God will intervene in the ongoing hearings so that a peaceful, amicable solution will be attained. 

In the midst of this difficult situation, may the members of the HKI Juanda Church serve as effective testimonies of the Lord's love, peace and saving grace to the opposing university officials. 

In general, please pray on behalf of all churches throughout Indonesia that are encountering various challenges due to opposition from their local authorities, asking God to grant the leaders and members of these congregations needed wisdom, guidance and strength.

UZBEKISTAN: Proposed Law Introduces New Punishments for Religious Education

Source: VOMC
Source: Forum18

A group of happy children dressed in bright clothes greet the onlooker with waves and smiles.

Children in Uzbekistan.
Photo: Flickr / eatswords (cc)

A draft law, which is purported to "further strengthen the rights of children," recently passed its first reading in Uzbek parliament. However, the proposed legislation seeks to punish parents or guardians who allow their children to receive "illegal" religious education before reaching the age of 18.

Religious education already faces several restrictions in Uzbekistan, but existing laws presently only target those who teach religion to children. Under the new law, however, parents would be subjected to fines and up to 15 days in jail for allowing such teaching. The government's Interior Ministry claims that the legislation aims to prevent children from falling under the influence of terrorist groups.

On June 26th, the Legislative Chamber published the draft law on its website. The posting has led to strong opposition from members of the public. One commenter stated, "What kind of not give religious education to their children?" A social media post by another concerned individual questioned the government's methodology: "What we found is that religious radicalism and fanaticism are on the rise. If [they are] on the rise, shouldn't religion be taught more deeply? Can bans work?"

While the law is publicly being promoted as a means of restricting militant Islamic training, it's evident that the repercussions of the new proposed law will affect all faith groups. Many Uzbek citizens have expressed concerns that their right to 'freedom of religion or belief' will be further restricted as a result.
More details on the challenges facing Christians in Uzbekistan are available at our country report.

Pray that the governing leaders of Uzbekistan will come to fully respect the religious rights of all citizens. 

Ask our Heavenly Father to work powerfully in the hearts and minds of the country's legislators so that this proposed law will either not be passed or that it will be amended to allow parents to continue providing religious instruction to their children. 

May the youth throughout this Central Asian nation have opportunities to hear the message of God's saving grace and, as a result, become instrumental in leading many others to faith in Christ as well.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

LAOS: Six Christians Arrested by Village Chief

Source: VOMC
Sources: Human Rights Watcher for Lao Religious Freedom, International Christian Concern

A large wooded area partially hides a village in the mountains of Laos.


On June 22nd, believers from the village of Tahae gathered at the home of Pastor Mum for a time of prayer in preparation for their Sunday worship service the next day. While the followers of Jesus were praying, the village chief – along with four other community officials – suddenly entered the home before arresting the pastor and five believers because of their Christian faith.

Those arrested along with Pastor Mum have been identified as two men named Liang and Pa, and three women named Laen, Lan and Khoon. At last report, these Christians were imprisoned in the Xaibouathong district prison.

Pastor Mum came to faith in Christ during 2019 and, since then, Christians have gathered freely in his home for prayer and worship. Until recent months, they were able to meet without interference from village officials, and the number of believers gathering on a regular basis had grown to more than 40. However, since the election of the new village chief (whose name is Lang) took place this past May, a crackdown on Christian belief and practices was instituted in the area.

As a Communist country with close ties to Vietnam and China, the Laotian government endeavours to exercise control over all churches within the nation. Further opposition against Christianity arises because of disapproving Buddhist influences throughout society.
To learn more about Christian persecution in Laos, go to our country report.

Pray for the recently arrested church members, as well as the other Christians in this village who are now experiencing opposition from local leaders because of their faith in Jesus. 

May each one of these Christian brothers and sisters look to Christ as their ultimate source of unwavering hope, strength and perseverance. 

In addition, pray that Pastor Mum and the five other detained believers will soon be released from custody without any further repercussions from the authorities.

PAKISTAN: Blasphemy Conviction for Online Posts

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, International Christian Concern, The Christian Post,
 ABC News

Furniture and possessions are strewn on a street. Some of them are burning.

The riots in 2023.
Photo: Morning Star News

In August 2023, the Christian colony of Jaranwala was filled with violence after allegations of blasphemy were made against two brothers. During the rampage, as many as 400 homes and 26 church buildings were damaged or destroyed.
For more details, and to view video footage of the attacks, see this page.

In the aftermath of the violence, a 28-year-old Christian man, named Ehsaan "Shan" Masih, allegedly shared content on his TikTok account in support of the accused Christian brothers. Additionally, claims were made that his posts included defaced pages of the Quran. As a result, Shan was arrested and charged with blasphemy.

On June 29th of this year, an anti-terrorism court in Pakistan convicted the young man of blasphemy. Even though Pakistani authorities have never yet carried out a death sentence for blasphemy, by default, this crime is punishable by death. Shan categorically denies creating or posting any blasphemous content on social media, and therefore intends to appeal the verdict. On July 2nd, a rally was held in Karachi by supporters of the convicted Christian in protest of the sentence against him.

Remember to uphold Shan in your prayers as he faces the possibility of spending numerous years in prison – along with the risk of the death penalty – asking that this young man will receive greatly needed peace, comfort and assurance through the presence of God's Holy Spirit. 

May justice and mercy prevail in this believer's case, allowing him to be freed of all charges. 

Also, please continue to pray for the Lord's sustaining grace and provision on behalf of the many other followers of Jesus in Pakistan who are presently imprisoned or facing blasphemy charges, often for no valid reason.

VIETNAM: Location of 11 Christian Prisoners Unknown

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern, The Christian Post

A prison is in an open area next to mountains in Vietnam.

A prison in Vietnam
Photo: VOMC

Human rights organizations around the world are raising concerns about the fate of 11 Christian prisoners in Vietnam. The Christian men were all sentenced to prison at different times between 2011 and 2016. It has recently come to light that their whereabouts remain a mystery, and that the believers who should have completed their sentences by now were not yet released to return home.

Among the 11 missing prisoners, six are members of the Degar Protestant Church – a religious movement that does not have government approval. The Degar people (also known as the Montagnards, an indigenous tribal group) are subjected to both ethnic and religious discrimination.

The six Christians were sentenced for a variety of charges, which ranged from "undermining national unity policy" to cutting down trees without permission. The remaining five men are members of the Ha Mon Catholic Church – another religious group that operates without official approval from the government. These church members were also accused of "undermining national unity policy."

In addition to raising awareness of the missing men, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has published reports describing the alleged torture and mistreatment of four other imprisoned Christians. In the most recent report, USCIRF warns of persistent religious freedom violations being committed by the authorities in Vietnam, particularly against ethno-religious minorities. For more information concerning our persecuted Christian family in this Southeast Asian country, go to our country report.

As the families of the missing prisoners anxiously await news about their loved ones, please join with them in prayer for the safe return of these 11 men. 

May information regarding the whereabouts and well-being of each one soon come to light. 

Also intercede for the many other Christians throughout Vietnam who are encountering opposition for their faith in Christ, asking our Heavenly Father to sustain them daily with His protection, strength and courage.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

INDIA: Christian Woman Killed by Relatives

Source: VOMC
Sources: AsiaNews, British Asian Christian Association, Christian Post

A woman is silhouetted against a sunset.


A Christian woman was beaten to death with a hammer and other weapons on June 24th because of her conversion to Christianity. The murder took place in Toylanka, a village in the state of Chhattisgarh.

Since her conversion to Christ four years ago, Bindu Sodhi had faced ongoing harassment and threats from opposing Hindu relatives. On the day of the attack, she was plowing a field with members of her immediate family when they were suddenly ambushed. Facing a mob armed with axes and other weapons, Bindu's mother, brother and sister fled the area. However, Bindu couldn't get away and, subsequently, was repeatedly stabbed and beaten.

Complaints have been filed with the police but, at last report, no action had been taken against the attackers. Additionally, it has been reported that Bindu's opposing relatives even resisted her burial. Christian leaders have since spoken out against the violence, as well as the arrest of other believers who have issued calls for justice, demanding that the burial be allowed.

This incident is one of several recent attacks against followers of Jesus in Chhattisgarh. On June 12th, seven Christian families were assaulted in a nearby village. In May, another believer was beaten and stabbed to death, and then buried by his assailants.
For more reports on the persecution of Christians in India, go to our country report.

Please lift up Bindu's immediate family members before God's throne of grace as they mourn the loss of their loved one. 

In addition to enveloping each one of these surviving members with His unfailing peace, comfort and hope, may the Lord also provide them protection from their hostile extended relatives. 

Pray that those responsible for this attack will not only be held accountable for their wrongful actions, but also that the Holy Spirit would convict them of their need for God's forgiveness – ultimately stirring their hearts to a saving faith in Him through the provision of His Son Jesus. 

As God's Spirit works in the lives of the perpetrators of this recent attack, may the police take appropriate action to protect others of our Indian Christian family who are likewise facing threats of violence.

PAKISTAN: Wife of Nazir Masih Dies of a Heart Attack

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern, Morning Star News

Naseem and Nazir

Naseem and Nazir
Photo: Morning Star News

In May, shocking images of mob violence were revealed after 74-year-old Nazir Masih was falsely accused of burning pages from the Quran. The elderly Christian man was fatally wounded during the resulting mob violence, which also led to the destruction of his shoemaking business, along with several attacks against other Christians.
Further details on the violent rampage are available here.

Following this tragic incident, Nazir's wife Naseem was left devastated, struggling to overcome the trauma of seeing her husband brutally beaten by his attackers. Her son Sultan says, "The tears in her eyes never dried." When bail was granted to the perpetrators responsible for the attack, the Christian widow's agony was further intensified.

On Friday, June 21st, Naseem began experiencing chest pains. An ambulance was called for the Christian woman, and the paramedics stated that her symptoms were likely due to stress. Since it was time for Friday's Islamic prayers, they told the family that no senior doctor would be available to look at her, so they gave her medication and left. When Naseem's condition did not stabilize, her family took her to the hospital where she died of cardiac arrest. The Christian woman has been buried next to her husband.

For the family members who are now mourning the loss of both Nazir and Naseem, tensions remain high. Many are fearful whenever they go into public spaces, concerned that they may be followed and potentially attacked. Speaking of the pain they are experiencing, Sultan states: "Our lives have been completely shattered. All family members – including children – are suffering from depression and stress. We have lost our business and are forced to live in our own house as refugees.... We've already lost hope for justice, and now my mother has left us."

Prayerfully remember this suffering family as they come to terms with the heartbreaking loss of Nazir and, more recently, now Naseem. 

As they determine what future steps to take, may God give these believers divine protection, greatly needed emotional healing, encouragement and strength, as well as provision for their financial and practical needs. 

Pray that justice will prevail in the case involving Nazir's passing, despite the tainted investigation, bringing this family a sense of peace and closure.

CHINA: Chen Wensheng Sentenced to 19 Months

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Chen Wensheng is smiling.

Chen Wensheng
Photo: ChinaAid

Chen Wensheng is no stranger to arrests and police intimidation. A radically reformed former drug addict, the Christian evangelist has travelled throughout China to share his testimony, gaining the nickname of "Gospel Warrior."
(See these other reports about this faithful believer.)

Following his most recent arrest in August 2023, Chen faced trial on April 18th for "organizing and financing illegal gatherings." For unspecified reasons, the court hearing was treated as a high security trial, with the entire street blocked off and approximately 40 black-clad "special police" officers stationed nearby. As a result, the Christian man's family and friends were unable to enter the court building to attend the trial. On June 20th, the verdict was announced, stating that Chen has been sentenced to one year and seven months in prison. The detained believer intends to appeal this decision.

Over recent years, opposition by the Chinese Communist Party against Christians has continued to increase throughout the country. In the former British colony of Hong Kong, the freedoms that the people had enjoyed previously are slowly eroding as the Communist Party increasingly takes control. In a recent video-recorded interview published by Release International, Bob Fu of ChinaAid addresses the escalating oppression that has caused thousands of Chinese Christians to flee to the United Kingdom.
This brief but informative interview may be viewed by going to

Pray that Chen's appeal will be successful, and that this dear brother in Christ would be released from custody. 

In the meanwhile, may any term this believer spends in prison serve as an added opportunity to share the Good News of the salvation, hope and freedom that's available through faith in Jesus Christ. 

Continue to pray for wisdom, courage and spiritual fortitude on behalf of the millions of Christians in China who are facing opposition because of their allegiance to Christ.