
Thursday, June 27, 2024

IRAN: Armenian Christian Faces Ten-Year Sentence

Source: VOMC
Sources: Article18, Barnabas Aid, Church in Chains

Hakop Gochumyan

Hakop Gochumyan
Photo: Article18

Hakop Gochumyan and his wife Elisa are citizens of Armenia who went to Iran for vacation in August 2023. While the Christian couple and their two children were having dinner at a friend's house, agents from the Ministry of Intelligence raided the property. The authorities took the Christian family to the home of Elisa's grandmother, where the believers had been staying, and proceeded to search the residence. During the raid, Christian books and other personal belongings were confiscated. The couple was then taken to Evin Prison where they faced interrogation and intense psychological torture.

Elisa was released on bail as of October 19th, allowing her to return to Armenia with the children. Hakop, however, remained in prison and was charged with "engaging in deviant proselytising activity." The only pieces of evidence against him were seven Farsi New Testaments that had been found in his possession, along with the fact that he had visited two Armenian churches and a Farsi-speaking house church while in Iran.

The Iranian penal code allows judges to use "personal intuition" when evidence is lacking. According to Hakop's lawyer, this was the case in the trial against the Armenian Christian visitor. As a result, Hakop was sentenced to ten years in prison this February, but the verdict was not publicly reported at the time. In early June, it had been announced that his appeal was unsuccessful and that he would be forced to serve the imposed sentence.

While Armenian and Assyrian Christian minorities are officially allowed to practise their faith in Iran, evangelism among the country's Muslims and Farsi-speaking majority is forbidden. Elisa happens to be the daughter of Rafi Shahverdian, a well-known Armenian-Iranian pastor who had left Iran in 1993 and led a church in Armenia until his death last year.
For more reports on Christian persecution in Iran, see our country report.

Prayerfully uphold Hakop as he faces the prospect of extended time in a notoriously known Iranian prison. 

May this brother in Christ receive greatly needed strength and encouragement through the ministry of God's Holy Spirit. 

Pray also for Elisa and the couple's two children, asking that they would tangibly experience the Lord's love, comfort and provision during this time of separation as a family. 

Continue to pray on behalf of the many other believers who are currently imprisoned or facing various forms of persecution in Iran because of their Christian faith. 

May the Lord also empower them spiritually, emotionally and physically so they may persevere and serve as effective witnesses of His great compassion for the spiritually lost and those in need of His abiding presence.

OCCUPIED UKRAINE: Verdict Expected for Priest Charged with Espionage

Source: VOMC
Source: Forum18

An Orthodox Church of Ukraine monastery is surrounded by trees with a city in the background.

An "Orthodox Church of Ukraine" monastery.
Photo: Wikipedia / Rbrechko (cc)

When Father Kostiantyn Maksimov was taken captive by Russian occupation forces in May 2023, little was known about the whereabouts of the Ukrainian Orthodox priest. In late March 2024, the Russian prosecutor for the Zaporizhzhia Region announced that Father Kostiantyn would be facing espionage charges.
(For more details, see this report.)

Reports indicate that the criminal trial began on June 6th and was held at the Zaporizhzhia Regional Court in the city of Melitopol. However, Russian officials have refused to announce the identity of the judge hearing the case. Final judicial arguments are scheduled to be heard on July 31st, with a verdict to be announced on August 2nd. If convicted, Father Kostiantyn will likely be transferred to a prison in Russia, where he could be forced to serve up to 12 years.

Please remember to pray for Father Kostiantyn, along with all those who have been detained by Russian forces in the occupied territories of Ukraine because they are not associated with the Russian-approved churches. 

May these imprisoned believers continue to stand firm on the promises of God, relying on Him for needed provision, encouragement and strength. 

Pray that peace will soon come to this war-torn nation and that justice will prevail for our Christian brothers and sisters who have been affected by the ongoing violence.

CHINA: New Health Concerns for Elder Zhang Chunlei

Source: VOMC
Sources: ChinaAid, Church in Chains

Zhang Chunlei with his wife

Elder Zhang Chunlei and his wife
Photo: ChinaAid

Zhang Chunlei is an elder with the Ren'ai Reformed Church in Guiyang, China. He was detained in March 2021 and remained in detention without charge until his trial in November 2022, when he was accused of "inciting subversion of state power." The trial was held in secret, without any witnesses, and a verdict has never been announced since then. In the meantime, Elder Zhang continues to remain imprisoned.
(Review previously published reports about this church leader's case.)

On June 4th of this year, Elder Zhang's lawyer was finally notified that he could review the case files and transcript of the trial. While in prison, the Christian leader has been encouraging believers, saying that it is an honour to be imprisoned for the Lord. However, his wife Yang Aiqing has revealed that the church elder is suffering with worsening health conditions. In August 2023, he was taken to the hospital due to inflammation of his gallbladder (read more).

It has now been revealed that Elder Zhang has been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis. Other prisoners have also developed liver problems while in custody which may be related to a long-term diet of mouldy spoiled rice. Yang has asked Christians to pray that her husband will be released for medical treatment and ultimately completely healed of his present liver condition.

Pray that God's ministry of physical healing, protection and strength will take place in Elder Zhang's life. 

May the Lord work powerfully within the hearts and minds of China's court officials and various other authorities so that this Christian leader will be able to receive the medical help that he urgently needs. 

Also pray that God's comforting peace will rest on his wife Yang – along with all their concerned loved ones, friends and church members – as they await the hopeful release of this beloved church leader.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

NIGERIA: Christians Slain After Being Forced from Bus

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, Daily Post, Leadership

Three Christian men are kneeling, while executioners holding guns are standing behind them.

The three men who were killed by Boko Haram militants.

On June 5th, a bus was travelling along the Damaturu-Biu Highway when a group of armed men forced it to stop near the village of Kamuya, which is located on the border between the states of Yobe and Borno. The terrorists, believed to be members of Boko Haram, pulled aside four passengers who were Christians and then allowed the rest of the travellers to leave.

The bodies of three young Christian men were later found, providing evidence that they had been shot by the attackers. At the time of publishing this report, the condition and whereabouts of the fourth passenger remain unknown. Photos of the killings have been circulating on social media. Unsubstantiated reports indicate that the abductors had apparently contacted the parents of the victims in advance to announce their intentions, suggesting that this was a planned targeted attack.

Incidents of Christians being kidnapped and killed are common in Nigeria. Reverend Ibrahim Abako from the Christian Association of Nigeria in Yobe State recently expressed his sorrow over the recurring attacks: "[These incidents have] been happening frequently. We call on the government, especially the military and police, to take proactive measures by protecting the citizens regardless of their religious background."
For more information addressing the violence perpetrated against our Christian family in Nigeria, go to our country report.

Pray for the families and friends of the slain young men as they grieve over the tragic loss of these precious lives. 

May all those who are mourning tangibly sense the Lord's comforting presence with them and the assurance that their loved ones are eternally saved. 

Pray also that the abducted believer who is still missing will be divinely protected, released soon from captivity, and safety reunited with their desperately concerned family members. 

Continue to pray for the rescue of the many other innocent Nigerians who have been kidnapped by Islamic militants and remain missing today. As the abducted victims expectantly await their deliverance from captivity, may they be protected, strengthened and wonderfully encouraged by the Lord.

IRAQ: Court Orders Christian Family to Convert to Islam

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern, Rudaw, Christian Post, Decision Magazine

Iraqi children are huddled together, smiling and scrambling for the attention of the photographer.

Children in Iraq
Photo: Flickr / UN / ECHO (cc)

A Christian woman is presently facing a difficult ruling after being ordered by an Iraqi court to convert to Islam. The decision is based on the 1959 Personal Status Law, which mandates that children must adopt Islam if one of their parents converts to the Muslim faith.

Evlin Joseph was 15 years old when her parents divorced. Her mother then married a Muslim man and converted to Islam at that time. Years later, Evlin married a Christian man, and the couple began raising their three children according to the teachings of Christianity. However, when Evlin sought to obtain a national ID card, which specifies the religion of Iraqi citizens, the authorities stated that – since her mother had converted to Islam while Evlin was still a minor – she is also considered Muslim by law.

The matter went to court, where officials ordered that Evlin has to be designated as a Muslim. Accordingly, she is not legally eligible to be married to a Christian man. Additionally, since she is now labelled a Muslim, her children are also officially considered Muslims by the government.

Evlin is from Duhok in the Kurdistan region of northern Iraq. In speaking about the ruling, she stated: "I am Christian. I am married to a Christian man. I have three Christian kids. My education was in our language. All my official documents are Christian. Our marriage is registered by the church." The couple now must deal with the many ways in which this decision could affect their marital, inheritance and custodial rights.

A conference was recently held in the regional capital of Erbil, focussing on the ramifications of the Personal Status Law. The president of the Kurdistan Region offered his support to Christians. The conference, which included delegates from other Middle Eastern countries, called for legal reforms that would give Christians in Iraq full religious rights.
For more information on the difficulties being encountered by believers in Iraq, go to our country report.

Prayerfully remember Evlin, her husband Sami and their children as they deal with this difficult court decision. 

May there be a resolution that will keep the family intact and allow each of them to continue living out their Christian faith. 

Pray that greatly needed changes will take place in the hearts of the country's governing leaders, and that legal revisions will be enacted to ensure greater religious freedoms for our suffering family in Christ. 

Pray also that Christians throughout the nation will continue to be faithful witnesses of Jesus' love and grace to those around them – resulting in the salvation of many more Iraqi people.

KYRGYZSTAN: Proposed Religion Law Amendments Rejected

Source: VOMC
Source: Forum18

A map of Kyrgyzstan has a stamp reading "Restricted Access" over it.


In October 2023, a bill that would put significant restrictions on religious organizations in Kyrgyzstan passed its first reading. Of particular concern to human rights experts were the legislation's vague wording (which could potentially be subjected to abuse) and the strict new requirements for financial reporting.
Previously published details on the proposed restrictions are available here.

On June 6th, the Kyrgyz parliament rejected the bill. However, as supporters of the legislation are presently working on other amendments that will be introduced to parliament, any reprieve may be short lived. To learn more about the various challenges experienced by Christians in Kyrgyzstan, go to our country report.

Praise God that the legislation of concern has been rejected by Kyrgyzstan's parliamentary officials and that further religious restrictions are not immediately forthcoming, bringing a sense of relief to many of our Christian brothers and sisters. 

Pray that the governing leaders of this Central Asian nation will be guided by a desire to provide fairness and justice to all residing citizens. 

In addition, ask the Lord to spiritually guide, empower and equip the country's church leaders as they encourage and train congregation members to be faithful "servants of Christ" in the midst of hostility.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

CHINA: Persistent Harassment Against Church Deacons

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Ding Shuqi and Jia Xuewei

Jia Xuewei (right) with his friend, Ding Shuqi
Photo: ChinaAid

In 2018, the Early Rain Covenant Church was violently raided by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities, resulting in multiple arrests. Since then, members of the church have continued to face harassment, including a church deacon named Jia Xuewei. 
Click here for previous reports on Jia's situation.

The Christian leader has been detained, beaten and expelled from his home several times. In the most recent incident, police began to harass Jia and his landlord almost immediately after the believer began renting a residence in Chengdu. Less than ten days after moving into the home, Jia was evicted because of pressure from the police.

Another deacon of the church, Zeng Qingtao, has also been subjected to constant monitoring by CCP officials. He is not allowed to leave his apartment; and when his wife Deng goes grocery shopping, she is escorted by a police car. On May 24th, Deng posted a video of four young men sitting on stools outside the door of their home, blocking the hallway. When she asked the men to move aside in order to avoid obstructing the passageway, the men haughtily responded that they are simply performing their duty.

The persecution against Jia and Zeng began immediately after both believers were elected as deacons of the Early Rain Covenant Church in 2022. In a letter calling for prayer, their church members are asking that the Lord will give these men calm and peaceful hearts in the midst of their difficulties.
For other reports addressing the persecution of followers of Jesus in China, go to our country report.

Please join us in praying with the members of the Early Rain Covenant Church, asking God to sustain, strengthen and comfort these two Christian men and their families through the ministry of His Holy Spirit. 

As a result, may they exhibit the fruit of the Spirit through their daily lives (Galatians 5:22-23), and thus continue to honour the Lord by serving as vibrant testimonies of His love, gentleness and peace to all who oppose and/or have been ordered to monitor them. 

Pray that the demonstration of these believers' faithful witness will be a catalyst of the hope, salvation and transformation that's readily available through faith in Jesus Christ. 

Additionally, continue to pray for the safe release of Christians throughout China who are presently imprisoned, including Pastor Wang Yi.

IRAN: Esmaeil Narimanpour Sentenced to Prison

Source: VOMC
Sources: Article18, Mohabat News

Esmaeil Narimanpour

Esmaeil Narimanpour
Photo: Article18

On Christmas Eve of 2023, Esmaeil Narimanpour was apprehended by security forces. The Iranian follower of Jesus was charged with "acting against national security by communicating with Christian 'Zionist' organizations." As of April 30th, he was released on bail after spending more than four months in detention.
For more details relating to his case, see these previously posted reports.

In the most recent update, Esmaeil's trial took place on May 28th, resulting in him being sentenced to five years' imprisonment. The Christian believer has 20 days to appeal the verdict or face the previously determined prison term. He is presently awaiting a summons that will officiate the beginning of the sentence.

Pray that God's peace will encompass Esmaeil and his family as they deal with this recent court decision. 

May the Lord also provide greatly needed wisdom and guidance to Esmaeil and his lawyer as they determine their next steps through the judicial system, in hopes that it will lead to justice so the sentence will be successfully appealed. 

As this believer prayerfully awaits a favourable outcome, may his time be filled with opportunities to minister the hope of the Gospel to all those around him.

MALAYSIA: Raymond Koh's Wife Demands Answers

Source: VOMC
Sources: Open Doors, Mission Network News

Raymond Koh is posing with his wife, two daughters, and son.

Raymond Koh and his family.
Photo: VOM USA

Pastor Raymond Koh was no stranger to persecution when he was abducted off the streets of Malaysia on February 13th, 2017. The incident was caught on security cameras and, although no information about Pastor Raymond's captors has ever been released by the authorities, it is believed that government security forces were responsible for the incident.
Video footage of the abduction is available here. For previously published reports about the missing pastor, see this list.

In the latest effort by Raymond's wife Susanna to search for answers about her husband's mysterious disappearance, a lawsuit has been filed against the Malaysian government for negligence. When Susanna first proposed the idea to her lawyer, he warned her that such a lawsuit could pose several risks to her safety. Despite the dangers, the Christian woman replied: "I want answers. I understand that it's risky."

Susanna faced cross examination on May 27th. Following the gruelling day, she thanked her supporters for their prayers. The next witness was the wife of a practising Shia Muslim who was abducted under very similar circumstances in November 2016. As the majority of Malaysia's population adheres to Sunni Islam, any other alternative – including Shia Islam – is banned throughout the country.

The Koh family, along with the Malaysian Human Rights Commission and several NGOs, are seeking access to a special task force report about Pastor Raymond's abduction. However, this report has been classified as a secret document by government officials. The trial has been ongoing for several months, with long intervals taking place between court appearances.

Prayerfully remember Susanna Koh and her family as they continue to seek answers regarding their missing loved one, asking God to provide them the spiritual, emotional and physical strength needed to endure this very distressing process. 

May the truth be revealed through this trial, bringing about a greatly needed resolution for Pastor Raymond's family, friends and others of their Christian community. 

Further, pray that God's justice will prevail and that those responsible for the pastor's disappearance will be held accountable.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

PAKISTAN: Christian Falsely Accused of Blasphemy Succumbs to Injuries

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, Pakistan Christian Post, Associated Press of Pakistan

A fire is burning in the street. People are milling about in the background. Nazir Masih's photo is also in a corner of the image.

Angered mob members burned
Nazir Masih's belongings in the street.
Photos: ECSPE

On May 25th, an angry mob rampaged through a Christian community in Sargodha, Punjab, instigated by false allegations that a 74-year-old Christian man named Nazir Masih had burned pages of the Quran. For more details on the attack, see this report. With deep sorrow, we regret to announce that Nazir succumbed to his injuries just after midnight on June 3rd.

After sustaining serious head wounds, Nazir was taken to a military hospital in Rawalpindi for treatment, as well as for security reasons. Although doctors performed two surgeries to remove bone fragments from his brain, his condition remained precarious. Despite being placed on a ventilator, he passed away during the night due to multiple organ failures. The Christian man's body has since been buried in his hometown of Sargodha.

The family was advised not to return to their home for several days, or until it's safe to do so. However, Nazir's son, Sultan, has expressed concern that his family may never be able to return to their community. "The entire episode has been so traumatizing for all of us that I don't think we will ever be able to resume our normal lives there," he states.

Dozens of arrests have been made in connection to the incident, along with an investigation into the blasphemy allegations. In response to the tragedy, expressions of condolence and calls for justice have been issued by numerous organizations. Bishop Azad Marshall, who serves as president for the Church of Pakistan, wrote, "Yet again, hate has brought us to the place where we must ask questions." The chairman for the Pakistan Ulema Council, a body of Islamic scholars, called for swift justice, stating that taking the law into one's own hands was both unlawful and illegal.

Please lift up Nazir's family before God's throne of grace as they face this difficult time of overwhelming grief, asking the Lord to fill them with greatly needed comfort, peace and courage. 

May those responsible for this senseless tragedy be brought to justice. 

Pray that other Christians in this community and throughout various areas of Pakistan, who are at risk of the dangers associated with false accusations due to their faith in Christ, will draw tremendous encouragement from the assurance that they are part of a global family that is prayerfully standing with them.

INDIA: Young Convert Killed and Widow Forced to Flee

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern, Morning Star News, The Washington Times

Jime Kawasi is looking down with her eyes closed.

Kosa Kawasi's wife, Jime.
Photo: Morning Star News

On May 4th, 22-year-old Kosa Kawasi was killed during a violent mob attack while at his home in the village of Kapanar, Chhattisgarh state. The mob, believed to have been led by the young man's uncle and cousin, was angered that Kosa and his wife Jime had converted to Christianity. As a result, the opposing villagers had unsuccessfully tried to force the Christian couple from their home. Following this incident, the angry community members physically confronted the believer – ultimately inflicting a lethal stab wound.

The authorities have since arrested the instigators and ruled that the young man's death was the result of a property dispute. Witnesses, however, state that Kosa's uncle was motivated by religious hatred. Jime was also wounded in the attack but escaped to a local hospital where she was treated for her injuries.

In the aftermath of her husband's death, Jime remains fearful of further violence. She has taken refuge far from the murder site, and five other Christian families have also fled the region due to the incident. Despite her fear, the young Christian widow proclaimed: "It was for this Jesus that my husband was willing to be faithful to the point of death. I too will follow in his footsteps. Please pray for me; I need your prayers."

Violence against those who convert from Hinduism to Christianity is common throughout areas of India, particularly in states where anti-conversion legislation has been instituted.
For more reports addressing the sufferings of our persecuted Christian brothers and sisters in this South Asian country, go to our country report.

Remember Jime in your prayers as she mourns the tragic loss of her husband, while also dealing with the trauma of the attack and fear of further violence. 

May the Lord provide wisdom, guidance and protection to her and the other Christians who have been forced to flee the area. 

May each of these believers be comforted by the truth that God will always be with them, and that no one can ever separate them from His wonderful love and abiding presence. 

As India concludes their national elections this week, pray that the results will bring about necessary changes in areas of human rights so that followers of Jesus throughout the nation will be protected from injustice and abuse.

NIGERIA: Deadly Market Attack

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern, ECSPE, Daily Trust

Bandits in Nigeria are carrying various types of weaponry. All have their faces covered.

Bandits in Nigeria
Photo: Voice of America

As Nigerians were celebrating their national Democracy Day on May 29th, gunmen opened fire on the Maro Junction Market which happens to be located within a predominantly Christian community of Kaduna State. Reports state that as many as 12 people were killed and 20 others injured.

While details surrounding the incident are still emerging, reports indicate that the attackers arrived at the busy market and fired indiscriminately at the traders and shoppers. No kidnappings were reported to have occurred during this recent attack, and the assailants fled the scene before the police had arrived. The wounded victims were taken to hospitals in Kachia for treatment.

While the motive behind this attack is not certain, the incident is believed to be part of an ongoing campaign by Islamic militants to drive Christians out of the area. A spokesperson for International Christian Concern commented, "The terrorists' quest is to decrease the population of Christian communities and render them deserted, isolated and desolated." This is the second time that the market in this predominantly Christian town has been the target of violence.
For more information on the persecution against followers of Jesus in Nigeria, and/or to view related videotaped reports, go to our country report.

Pray for the full recovery of the many community members who were physically injured in this most recent violent attack. 

Additionally, pray for the emotional healing of all the bystanders who have been traumatized by the incident, asking that they too will remain strong in their faith. 

For those mourning the loss of their loved ones, may God's comfort and peace be tangibly experienced through the indwelling presence of His Holy Spirit. 

Continue to pray for the cessation of such violence in Nigeria and that, in the interim, the authorities would actively work to protect the country's vulnerable Christian communities.

Saturday, June 1, 2024

A Song By Helen Berhane

Source: VOMC USA Youtube
Helen Berhane is an Eritrean worship leader and gospel singer. She was arrested in May 2004, shortly after releasing an album of Christian music, because she refused to sign a document pledging to end all participation in evangelical activities, including her work as a worship leader and youth leader. She was imprisoned at Mai Serwa military camp, north of the capital, Asmara, where she had no possibility of contact with her family. Like other Christians imprisoned in Eritrea, she was never charged with a crime. She was denied any legal representation or medical care. For months, Helen was locked inside in a metal shipping container. She suffered in sweltering heat without ventilation, light, or sanitation. In spite of the hardships and injustice, throughout her years of imprisonment and mistreatment, Helen continued to sing songs of praise. During the Hearts of Fire Virtual Event, Helen sang a song she wrote while imprisoned in that metal shipping container. This is that song, along with the English translation.

Story from church history: Mary Dyer (ca. 1611-1660)

Source: Voice of the Martyrs, USA Facebook

REMEMBERING MARTYRS: On this day in 1660, Mary Dyer was escorted to the gallows in Massachusetts. She had previously been banished due to her Quaker beliefs, which Puritan Massachusetts had outlawed. Having left and then returned to fight against intolerant laws, she knew the risks. Religious nonconformity was a strain on these communities as London businessmen had abandoned the colonies, and disease, weather and hostile natives had strained leaders. Precious resources meant there wasn't room for maintaining a prison system. Walking outside the lines meant death. At her conviction, Mary said, "I came in obedience to the will of God, desiring you to repeal your unrighteous laws, and that is my work now and earnest request."

May be an illustration