
Saturday, March 30, 2024


Source: ChinaAid

Pastor John Cao After his
release from Prison 2024
Pastor John Cao,  a permanent resident of USA, who had been imprisoned in China for seven years, shared his first testimony after his release on March 11, 2024. Let me provide you with a summary of his powerful words:

Joy Amidst Isolation:

Pastor Cao expressed that despite the loneliness and isolation during his imprisonment, he never lost his joy. He attributed this to the special presence of God and the prayers of brothers and sisters from all over the world.

Even though he was closely monitored day and night, he found strength in knowing that the Holy Spirit was with him.

Prayers Transcending Prison Walls:

Every morning, Pastor Cao woke up at 5:00 a.m., automatically, even without clocks inside the prison. He prayed by turning sideways, as he wasn’t allowed to pray openly.

During the day, three people constantly watched him, and at night, someone stood by his side while he slept. Despite this, he remained steadfast in his faith.

Letters from his mother and sister, mentioning that people were praying for him, provided immense encouragement.

Intercepted Letters:

Pastor Cao received only 31 out of the 90 letters his mother sent him. Some were intercepted because they mentioned prayers for him.

Despite this, he held onto the knowledge that he was not alone, and the support of fellow believers sustained him throughout his imprisonment.

Pastor John Cao’s testimony reflects unwavering faith, resilience, and the power of prayer even in the darkest of circumstance.


Gracious Lord, we thank You. Oh, Lord, with your presence, no one is separated from your love, whether in distress, poverty, tribulation, or sword. Lord, You are always with us. We thank You. We have never met, but it is Your Spirit that brings us together as if we have known each other for years, because we are one family. In this joyful moment, let us not forget other brothers and sisters, those in prison, witnessing for you. Let us pray for those imprisoned as we put ourselves in their shoes. Here, we set out again. Today’s journey is not the end, but the beginning. Lord, in you, we have a wonderful time, and in the future, we will encourage each other and communicate face to face. Lord, we once again entrust our beautiful country to God and bless our compatriots. Let us use the best way possible to lead them to know the Lord. This is the best blessing. May glory and the kingdom belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. Hallelujah, Amen.

(The full Testimony is here Pastor John Cao's First Testimony after release - ChinaAid)

Praise God for the joy and peace Pastor John experienced over the past seven years, despite his incarceration. Pray that this faithful Christian leader will receive renewed strength and determination to continue living his life in dedicated service to the Lord. 

May Pastor John be able to obtain the necessary travel documentation without any delay so he can finally be reunited with his long-suffering family in the United States. 

Furthermore, pray that God will ensure the continuation of the humanitarian work near the China and Myanmar border, as well as the ministry that took place in the lives of the prisoners and guards who were touched by the love of Christ while Pastor John was in custody.

Nepal: Young Bride's Refusal to Renounce Faith Brings Husband to Christ

Source: iCommitToPray

Anisha rented a small,
unfurnished room alone
after her eviction.
Anisha and Ashish, who married early in 2023, went to a local church in search of healing from demonic spirits that harassed Ashish. Church members prayed for them, and Ashish was healed. The newlyweds began to read the Bible they had received at the church and soon wanted to place their trust in Jesus Christ. When Ashish’s parents found the Bible, they insisted that the young couple renounce Christ and stop going to church. Ashish agreed, but Anisha did not. She was forced to leave the home without money for food or shelter, so the local church helped her with basic needs. Soon, Ashish decided to join her again. 

Anisha asks for prayer for the strengthening of her husband’s faith and that they would together stand firm and be witnesses for Christ in their families. 

They are currently considering attending a training program to grow in their knowledge of the Bible

Friday, March 29, 2024

Give justice to the weak and the fatherless

 "Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; 

maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.

Rescue the weak and the needy;

deliver them from the hand of the wicked."

Psalm 82:3-4 ESV

Thursday, March 28, 2024

VIETNAM: Three Christians Detained

Source: VOMC
Sources: Radio Free Asia, International Christian Concern, Asia News,
 UCA News

Nhà tù Côn Đảo (Côn Đảo Prison)

A prison in Vietnam.
Photo: Wikipedia / Tycho (cc)

Vietnamese police detained three members of an independent house church on March 6th. After being held for three days, the detained Christian men were eventually released. Although the three believers are from Dak Lak province, they had been arrested while working for a furniture manufacturer in Dong Xoai, which is located several hours away from their hometown.

Pastor Y Khen Bdap, who previously served a four-year prison term following his arrest in 2004, has identified the detained Christians as members of his family: his brother, Y Qui Bdap; his son, Y Nam Bkrong; and his nephew, Y Kic Bkrong. Y Qui Bdap is a 40-year-old pastor who serves as the leader of a house church. Police searched the home that the Christian men were renting and then went to their place of employment where the believers were subsequently detained.

Pastor Y Khen Bdap is convinced that the raid took place due to the Christians' affiliation with an unregistered church. In Vietnam, religious groups that are not approved by the government are subjected to frequent harassment and arrests. For more details on the persecution facing Christians in this Southeast Asian country, go to our country report.

While we praise God that the three house church members were thankfully released after only a few days of detainment, please join us in praying for His continued provision, peace and protection as they resume their daily lives and ministry activities. 

May these believers be further strengthened in their commitment to serve Christ, remaining mindful that according to God's Word it is an honour to be persecuted for the sake of righteousness (Matthew 5:10). 

Pray also for the ongoing ministry efforts of other believers in Vietnam, asking that our persecuted Vietnamese brothers and sisters in Christ would be encouraged to continue reaching out in their communities with the hope of the Gospel despite the opposition they encounter.

PAKISTAN: College Student Accused of Blasphemy

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, Christian Today, Christian Daily, Church in Chains

A smiling Ashbeel Ghauri stands in a doorway.

Ashbeel Ghauri
Photo: Morning Star News

Ashbeel Ghauri was recently arrested following accusations from a former classmate that he had allegedly disrespected Islam during a WhatsApp conversation. According to Ashbeel's father, Babar, the young Christian man had engaged in conversation several times with Sheraz Gulistan and other Muslims who attempted to convert him to Islam. Babar believes that Sheraz implicated Ashbeel after the young man refused to renounce his faith in Christ.

Police arrested the 18-year-old college student at his home in Attock, Punjab, on March 6th. The believer was placed with other blasphemy suspects in a detention centre where he was locked in a small room. There he spent his time in prayer, reading the Bible and fasting. During his detainment, Ashbeel was reassured as he remembered the words of Joshua 1:5, in which God says, "Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you" (ESV). His family also leaned on God for strength during that difficult time. "It's a crucial time for my family, especially for Ashbeel," his father Babar was able to testify. "But we know God will walk us through this test, and [Ashbeel] will emerge victorious in faith."

Thankfully, during the bail hearing, the magistrate listened to the evidence that was presented and consequently released Ashbeel from custody on March 14th. Surety bonds were paid by a close friend of Babar. The friend, who is a Muslim, has since been threatened for assisting the Christian family. Babar has also expressed concerns about the security of his own family, but says he remains hopeful that Ashbeel will soon be acquitted and granted the freedom to resume his studies.

In Pakistan, threats of violence against those accused of blasphemy are rampant. According to the Centre for Social Justice, which is based in Lahore, seven people were killed through vigilante violence in 2023 because of blasphemy accusations. For more reports concerning our persecuted Christian family in Pakistan, go to our country report.

Praise God that Ashbeel has been released on bail. Pray that all charges against this young man will be dropped. 

May God's protection rest upon Ashbeel and his family, as well as the friend who provided them financial assistance. 

Also prayerfully remember the many other Christians in Pakistan who are presently facing imprisonment, violence and even the threat of death because of blasphemy allegations, praying that the Lord would sustain them daily with His strength, wisdom and courage.

CHINA: Detained Preacher Subjected to Abuse and Delays

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Chang Hao's wife and his lawyer are standing outside.

Chang Hao’s wife accompanied by his lawyer.
Photo: ChinaAid

The family of Chang Hao is calling for prayer after learning that conditions in prison have significantly worsened for the disabled Christian man. During a previous visit with his lawyer, Chang described the harsh treatment he was receiving from prison officials. Those concerns were brought to the attention of the prison authorities but, according to Chang, this disclosure resulted in even harsher conditions.

In addition to the mistreatment this believer has endured at the hands of prison guards, Chang's lawyer contends that the Christian's case has exceeded the maximum time legally mandated to pass judgement. According to the lawyer, judgement is to be pronounced no later than three months after charges are laid. However, formal charges for "picking quarrels and provoking trouble" were laid against Chang on November 28th (read more). Efforts by the believer's attorney to obtain copies of the case files have also been denied on two separate occasions.

As you bring Chang's case before the throne of God – the Righteous Judge – please pray that this disabled believer's spiritual, physical, mental and emotional needs will be met. 

Throughout his imprisonment, may he receive the Lord's divine protection, healing, strength and favour. 

Also prayerfully remember Chang's concerned family and church members as they continue to await his hopeful release, asking that they will likewise receive needed ministry from the Lord – namely His comfort, encouragement and peace. 

Ultimately, may Chang's unwavering commitment to Christ, and that of other Chinese believers who are presently being detained for their faith, serve as vibrant testimonies of God's love and saving grace to all those around them – including their prison guards.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

PAKISTAN: Young Girl Forcibly Converted

Source: VOMC
Sources: Pakistan Christian Post, Morning Star News

Laiba Suhail

Laiba Suhail
Photo: Morning Star News

On the night of February 11th, ten-year-old Laiba Suhail was abducted from her home in the Faisalabad District of Punjab. The Christian girl's captor has been identified as Muhammad Mohsin Shah – a man who is well known in the area for abducting and forcibly converting girls from religious minorities.

When Laiba's parents approached Muhammad, he dismissed them by asserting that she had willingly embraced Islam. In response to the incident, court officials ruled to send Laiba to a women's shelter rather than returning her home. The parents were refused any contact with their daughter during the hearing, even though the young girl was present.

The Christian family has since learned that Muhammad managed to take Laiba from the women's shelter. Her parents are now concerned that she may have been sold to sex traffickers. At last report, Laiba's family members were pursuing all efforts to regain custody, but they are extremely poor due to the ill health of Laiba's father. They are endeavouring to obtain a lawyer to file a motion with the Lahore High Court.

The plight facing Christian women and girls in Pakistan is deeply concerning. Despite court rulings that have been established to protect females of minority groups, many authorities throughout the country frequently disregard these laws. As a result, on February 28th, the Lahore High Court ordered the government to implement stricter enforcement of anti-child marriage laws. Pressure has also been applied to enact tighter regulations relating to forced conversions.
For links to other reports addressing persecution in Pakistan, go to our country report.

Please uphold this distraught family in your prayers, asking the Lord to mightily intervene in the situation and ensure Laiba is safely returned to the custody of her loving parents. 

May God grant this young girl divine protection, healing and comfort, meeting her every need now and in the future. 

Pray that the laws designed to protect vulnerable minorities in Pakistan will be tightened and more strictly enforced by the country's authorities so that such incidents can be prevented from happening in the lives of other innocent victims and their families.

Also see: Kidnapper Wins Custody of 13-Year-Old Girl, Sources Say - Morningstar News

CHINA: Another Church Ordered to Remove Crosses

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

A cross is being removed from atop a large church.

Crosses have been removed from many churches in China.
Photo: ChinaAid

For more than 30 years, crosses were allowed to be displayed by Christian churches throughout China. However, as of 2014, the situation began to reverse. Beginning in Zhejiang Province, over 1,000 crosses were forcibly removed from Christian buildings over a three-year period. The enforcement of that campaign then spread to other provinces.

On March 10th, the Wangfenggang Christian Church in the Xiejiaji district of Huainan City, Anhui Province, received written notice from village administrators ordering the removal of a cross from the top of their building, as well as one that was placed above the facility's door. The notice stated that the crosses were "safety hazards."

The cross above the door has been securely in place for 40 years. The one on the roof was installed five years ago in compliance with applicable building standards – plus, it passed a safety inspection. The claim from the village committee appears to be an arbitrary demand without basis. It is uncertain if there are any legal premises for this notice and whether the village committee has the authority to enforce such a demand.

Pressure on the country's Christians from various levels of government has been increasing throughout China as the Chinese Communist Party endeavours to take control of all aspects of society.
Additional reports on recent incidents of persecution in China are available at our country report.

Pray for wisdom on behalf of the leaders of this church as they determine their next steps of action in response to this demand. 

May God also guide these leaders as they continue ministering to the members of their church and reaching out to others in the community. 

In general, please prayerfully remember Christians throughout China who are likewise facing increased pressure to submit to the government's repressive policies, asking our Heavenly Father to sustain them with His reassuring presence, strength and peace.

PAKISTAN: Christian Sentenced to Life in Prison for Alleged Blasphemy

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News, British Asian Christian Association

Fansan Shahid

Fansan Shahid
Photo: Morning Star News

On March 18th, 2022, Fansan Shahid was taken from his home in Lahore and charged with blasphemy. The charges arose after the Christian man purportedly commented on photos of suicide bombings that occurred in Sri Lanka. As the attackers appeared to be Muslims, his accuser alleged that Fansan's social media comment insulted the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

During interrogation, Fansan was coerced into confessing – something he later retracted during his trial. He further stated that the phone he used to make the comment has been lost since 2019. Despite the missing phone and his denial of any involvement, the Christian father of two was convicted and sentenced to life in prison on January 24th of this year.

In response to the verdict, Fansan's sister Sonia stated: "We are deeply shocked by the conviction of Fansan. We are praying for justice and [his] release through appeal." The family has been forced to relocate due to concerns for their safety.
For more information on the persecution of Christians in Pakistan, go to our country report.

Please lift up Fansan before God's throne of grace as he faces the accusations against him. Pray that his appeal hearing will be successful, and that consequently he would be released from custody. 

Ask the Lord to ensure the safety of this accused believer and his family, as well as any other Christians in their community who may be at risk. 

May the Holy Spirit work mightily within the hearts and minds of citizens throughout Pakistan – including those serving as legislators – so that the country's widely abused blasphemy laws would be repealed.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

PAKISTAN: Rape Victim Pressured to Drop Charges

Source: VOMC
Sources: Morning Star News,

A woman is looking down with a sad expression on her face.

Pray for Pakistani women who are constantly under threat.

Two men have been arrested for repeatedly sexually assaulting a Christian woman and blackmailing her after recording the ordeal. The 26-year-old woman, who remains unnamed, has been facing pressure to drop all charges against her assailants.

In September, Shah Hussain, also known as Badshah, borrowed money from the victim's mother. The following month, when the young woman sought repayment on behalf of her mother, Badshah asked her to accompany him to the home of a friend in Rawalpindi, where he claimed they could get the money. There, the friend, Raja Waleed, sexually assaulted her at gunpoint. The ordeal was recorded on his cell phone and Raja threatened to share the videos on social media unless she did what he wanted.

Over the next few months, the young woman was forced to comply with Raja's demands repeatedly. In November, she discovered that she was pregnant, at which point Raja and Badshah attempted to force her to convert to Islam. When she refused, the Christian woman was beaten, resulting in a miscarriage.

Eventually, the victim told her mother what was happening and the two women reported the incident to the police. Charges were filed on February 13th. Yet, instead of arresting the suspects, police tipped them off, allowing the perpetrators to obtain bail. Since that time, the assailants have been threatening the two women. A second case has been filed against the men for their threats, but no charges have been laid.

Unfortunately, the victim has not received the support of the police. In fact, the sub-inspector, Muhammad Mehboob, pressured the believer to withdraw the case. "He has repeatedly said that since I'm a Christian, I don't stand a chance against the powerful criminals," the young victimized woman explained. The officer denied that he favoured the accused men. After his actions were reported to the police chief, a senior officer was assigned to the case.

Forced conversions and sexual assaults against religious minorities are far too common in Pakistan. 
For more reports on the injustices experienced by Pakistan's Christians, go to our country report.

Pray that God will divinely protect, strengthen and comfort this brave young woman and her mother, providing them both greatly needed ministry, advocacy and support as they seek justice in this legal case. 

As a result, may justice indeed prevail, so the perpetrators responsible for causing this ordeal will be held accountable for their crimes and reach a point of sincere repentance. 

Overall, may positive changes take place in Pakistan's legal system – and within the hearts and minds of the authorities enforcing it – ensuring the protection of vulnerable citizens in Pakistan.

CHINA: Pastor John Cao Released After Seven Years in Prison

Source: VOMC
Source: ChinaAid

Pastor John Cao appears very happy.

Pastor John Cao after his release.
Photo: ChinaAid

Originally from Hunan province, Pastor John Cao is a permanent resident of the United States and also happens to be married to an American citizen. Before his arrest, he served as a missionary in Myanmar's Wa State, building schools and caring for impoverished people in the region. As part of his ministry work, Pastor John frequently crossed the border between China and Myanmar. The Christian leader was able to continue his ministry activities for three years without encountering any problems from the authorities.

However, in March 2017, Chinese officials arrested Pastor John and a colleague of his on charges of illegal border crossings. Although his ministry colleague, Jing Ruxia, served one year in prison, Pastor John was sentenced to seven years.
For more details on this case, you can review previously published reports.

After various failed appeals, Pastor John served his full prison term prior to being released on March 4th of this year. Throughout imprisonment, his relationship with the Lord remained strong as expressed in the poetry he regularly wrote. ChinaAid has published a collection of his poems under the title, Living Lyrics: Poems from Prison.

Upon his release, Pastor John was escorted from Yunnan province to Changsha, Hunan. He hopes to soon be reunited with his family in the United States. However, in order to do so, the pastor will need to obtain travel documents which may be purposely delayed by officials. Local police in Changsha have disclosed that they intend to supervise and "educate" him for five years.

ChinaAid recently released the content of an audio testimony Pastor John gave after his release. He started by proclaiming: "I have been separated from you all for seven years, but these seven years have been filled with joy, filled with God's grace, and everyday God's special presence has been with me."
To read a transcript of Pastor John's testimony, go to

Praise God for the joy and peace Pastor John experienced over the past seven years, despite his incarceration. Pray that this faithful Christian leader will receive renewed strength and determination to continue living his life in dedicated service to the Lord. 

May Pastor John be able to obtain the necessary travel documentation without any delay so he can finally be reunited with his long-suffering family in the United States. 

Furthermore, pray that God will ensure the continuation of the humanitarian work near the China and Myanmar border, as well as the ministry that took place in the lives of the prisoners and guards who were touched by the love of Christ while Pastor John was in custody.

ALGERIA: Appeal Scheduled for Pastor Youssef Ourahmane

Source: VOMC
Source: Middle East Concern

Pastor Youssef Ourahmane

Pastor Youssef Ourahmane
Photo: Middle East Concern

Pastor Youssef Ourahmane serves as the vice president of the Église Protestante d'Algérie (EPA). Following a three-day gathering with a few Christian families in March 2023, he was charged with organizing an unauthorized religious assembly. In September, the pastor was sentenced to two years in prison, along with a fine. During an appeal hearing in November, the court ruled to uphold the verdict, but reduced the Christian leader's sentence to one year.

The latest appeal hearing for Pastor Youssef has now been scheduled for March 26th. The church in Algeria has requested prayer for him, in hopes that there will be a favourable result from this upcoming hearing.
For more information on Pastor Youssef's case, previously published reports are available at our country report.

Please continue to remember Pastor Youssef in your prayers. Ask the Lord to stir the hearts of the court officials so that they would rule fairly during the scheduled hearing – ultimately leading to a favourable outcome for the imprisoned Christian leader. 

Also prayerfully uphold the many other Christians throughout Algeria who have been facing harassment and church closures in recent years. May God sustain each one of these persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ with ongoing encouragement, wisdom and strength, in addition to providing for their specific individual spiritual and physical needs.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

INDIA: Land Dispute Escalates to Violence

Source: VOMC
Source: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

A group of people - including police - is gathered around the hospital beds of people being treated for their injuries.

Members of the Janwada Methodist
church receiving treatment in hospital.
Photo: Christian Solidarity Worldwide

For several years, villagers in Janwada, which is located within India's Telangana State, have been demanding that a road in their community be widened. On February 13th, workers moved into the area to start construction. However, it was discovered during the building process that the construction had encroached by several feet onto the property belonging to the community's Methodist Church, which had existed there for 50 years.

Members of the congregation who were present at the time of the construction demanded that the work stop until their church leaders arrived on the premises to discuss the matter. In retaliation, a mob of over 200 villagers eventually gathered and began quarrelling with the church members. By evening, the mob turned violent, throwing stones and bricks at the church building. Some of the participants in the mob violence began chanting a Hindu slogan while vandalizing the building. Of the 14 Christians who were injured during the incident, three of them had to be admitted to hospital as a result of head injuries.

When the violence erupted, Christians at the scene called the police who were thankfully able to disperse the crowd. However, the authorities placed an order on the village that until February 21st, there were to be no gatherings of more than three people. Although 12 perpetrators were arrested in connection with the mob violence, a counter complaint was filed against the assaulted Christians. The accusers claimed that people of the church had instigated the violence, leading to the arrest of five congregation members.

While some effort has been taken to ensure justice is upheld in this case, there remains concern over the frequency of communal violence committed throughout various areas of India.
For more reports on incidents of this nature, go to our country report.

Please pray that each of the individuals who have been injured in this attack will experience full recovery – both physically and emotionally. 

In the meantime, may those responsible for inflicting the violence be held accountable for their destructive actions. 

Ask the Lord to give all parties wisdom, so they will be prepared to discuss positive alternatives and come to an amicable resolution to this disagreement. 

Also pray that any further tensions in the community will ease so peace and harmony can ultimately prevail.

PAKISTAN: Acquittals in Blasphemy Cases

Source: VOMC
Sources: Pak Christian News, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Morning Star News

Raja and Rocky are standing with their attorney. A banner for CLAAS (Center for Legal Aid Assistance & Settlement) is on the wall behind them.

Brothers Umair (Raja) and Omar (Rocky)
with their attorney Tahir Bashir.
Photo: Pak Christian News

In August 2023, thousands of citizens demonstrated in the streets of Jaranwala, Punjab, after allegations of blasphemy were announced against two Christian brothers. Umair Saleem Masih (known as Raja) and Omar Saleem Masih (known as Rocky) were accused of burning pages from the Quran while disposing of garbage.
More details on the original allegations, and the resulting violence that took place in the community, are available here.

In a March 1st judicial hearing, the Anti-Terrorism Court in Faisalabad acquitted the brothers, ruling that they had been framed by individuals with a personal grudge. Despite the verdict, Raja and Rocky were not able to return to Jaranwala due to threats against their lives and concerns of renewed mob violence.

In an unrelated ruling, a court in the Punjab city of Bahawalnagar determined on February 20th to acquit a Christian man named Noman Masih of the blasphemy charges filed against him within that vicinity. In addition, Noman was convicted in May 2023 of the same charge yet in a different city of Punjab, one known as Bahawalpur, where he received a death sentence. The February acquittal raises hope that the Lahore High Court will consider the merits of Noman's appeal for the Bahawalpur conviction.

All allegations against Noman have been denied by his family and, according to his attorney, witnesses have failed to corroborate the police allegations against him.
For more details on his case, read this report.

Praise God that Raja and Rocky have been acquitted of all charges! 

Pray that community tensions will dissipate to the point where these brothers will be able to safely return to their home area again. 

Also pray that this ruling will serve as a precedent for other cases involving allegations of blasphemy. As Noman's case is presented to the judicial leaders of the Lahore High Court, may the merits of the appeal be rightfully considered so he too can be released. The same applies to the many others in Pakistan who are facing similar false allegations.

IRAN: One Convert Released on Bail; Another Remains Detained

Source: VOMC
Sources: Mohabat News, Article18, Church in Chains, Christianity Today

Iman Golzar is standing next to a Christmas tree.

Iman Golzar
Photo: Mohabat News

Iman Golzar, a Christian convert, was detained on January 26th when agents from the Ministry of Intelligence raided his house. While held in detainment, he was not allowed to have any communication with his family or friends. The accused also reportedly faced "severe mental and emotional pressure" during interrogation.

Iman's parents, who are deaf, were greatly concerned. Yet, when they inquired about his location, authorities threatened that they would be "dealt with" if they kept asking questions. Thankfully, on February 7th, Iman was released on bail for $45,000 (CAD equivalent). Even so, it is not known at the time of publishing this report whether he has been officially charged.

In another recent case, an arrested Christian convert, Esmaeil Narimanpour, remains in custody. Fortunately, after being taken from his home in Dezful on Christmas Eve, he was allowed to briefly speak with members of his family the next day. Despite being granted this privilege, Esmaeil has been held since his arrest. See "Christian Detained on Christmas Eve" for more details on his situation.

This is not the only time that Esmaeil has faced imprisonment. In 2021, he was detained and tortured along with three others (learn more). Eventually cleared of all charges in November of that year, he was ordered, along with several prisoners, to attend meeting sessions with Muslim clerics who were to "guide" them back to Islam.

Although we can rejoice with Iman and his parents over his release on bail, please pray that he will not be officially charged. 

Also uphold Esmaeil as he anticipates his hopeful release from prison, which we pray will take place soon. 

In the interim, as this believer waits for a favourable outcome in the courts, may he – and others like him – have opportunities to share the love of Christ with those in the prison through their lives and testimonies.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near • T4G Live IV [Official Lyric Video]

John Fawcett (6 January 1739 – 25 July 1817) was a British-born Baptist theologian, pastor and hymn writer.

Early years[edit]

Fawcett was born on 6 January 1739 in Lidget GreenBradford.[1] In 1762, Fawcett joined the Methodists, but three years later,[2] he united with the Baptist Church and became pastor of Wainsgate Baptist Church in Hebden BridgeWest YorkshireEngland.

Tie That Binds[edit]

Fawcett served for seven years, despite a small income and a growing family.[citation needed] When he received a call in 1772 to the large and influential Carter's Lane Baptist Church in London[2] he planned to accept the call. But at the last minute he changed his mind, and remained at Wainsgate where his salary was £25 a year. To commemorate this event,[3] in 1782 he wrote the words to his "Blest Be the Tie that Binds" hymn,[4] his most famous hymn by far.[5]

Fawcett's grave in the graveyard of Wainsgate Baptist Church

In 1777 a new chapel was built for him at Hebden Bridge, and about the same time he opened a school at Brearley Hall, his place of residence. In 1793 he was invited to become President of the Baptist Academy at Bristol, but declined. In 1811 he received a Doctor of Divinity from America.

1912 plaque commemorating Fawcett, located in the New Testament Church of God in Bradford. According to the plaque, Fawcett was born on 6 January 1739 in Lidget Green, Bradford.

Fawcett died in 1817 at the age of 78.