
Thursday, October 17, 2024

PAKISTAN: Medical Care Denied to Elderly Christian

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern, AsiaNews

A frail, elderly man is reaching over a bed rail. Two caring hands are holding his.


On October 1st, Yousaf Masih Gill took his gravely ill father to the Civil Hospital in Sahiwal, Punjab, for urgent medical treatment. Seeking a doctor to care for his father, Yousaf eventually located the hospital staff, who were playing a game together. Finally, one of the physicians examined the elderly man. However, the doctor told Yousaf, "If I had known earlier that you are a Christian, I would not have touched your father."

When it was determined that the elderly believer required surgery, the doctor refused to operate on him. In response, Yousaf's brother, Babu Nadeem, organized a protest outside the hospital, together with dozens of others who heard about the situation. "We have witnessed very disappointing behaviour [from] our doctors, just because we are Christians," Babu asserted.

The hospital medical officer visited the distressed family two days after the incident. Apologizing for the unprofessional behaviour of the doctors, the officer assured the family that the necessary surgery would take place in the next few days. No further updates are available at the time of publishing this report.

Unfortunately, discrimination against religious minorities is common in Pakistan. They are typically forced to work long hours in oppressive jobs and frequently denied services routinely provided to Muslim citizens.
For more information on the injustices and suffering facing our Christian family in Pakistan, go to our country report.

Please pray for the full recovery of this elderly Christian believer, asking our Heavenly Father to provide him the necessary medical treatment, along with greatly needed physical and emotional healing. 

May God's peace also rest on Yousaf, Babu, and the other members of their family who have been affected by this traumatic incident. 

Pray that the hospital staff will demonstrate more consideration towards our Pakistani brothers and sisters in Christ, and that positive changes will be made so future patients – regardless of their religious affiliations – will be treated with equality, respect and dignity.

MALAYSIA: Latest News on Pastor Raymond Koh

Source: VOMC
Sources: Mission Network News, Open Doors
 UK, International Christian Concern, Free Malaysia Today, Malaymail

Raymond Koh is with his wife, two daughters, and a son.

Raymond Koh and his family.
Photo: VOM USA

On February 13th, 2017, Pastor Raymond Koh was kidnapped in broad daylight. More than seven years later, his wife Susanna continues to search tirelessly for answers regarding her husband's disappearance. As part of this process, she filed a lawsuit in 2020 against the Malaysian government for negligence.

To show that Pastor Raymond's disappearance was being investigated, the government formed a task force to allegedly look into the incident. However, the government refused to release the results of the investigation, claiming that the files contained official secrets. The judge in Susanna's court case disagreed with these claims, and therefore ordered that a copy of the results be released to the missing pastor's wife. However, when Susanna received the report, the document was covered with watermarks that distorted the photographs and made much of the text unreadable.

Lawyers returned to the judge to request an unredacted copy. On September 25th, officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs announced that they would comply and release the document without any obstructive watermarks. At last report, Susanna has received the unaltered version. Neither she nor her lawyers have commented on the contents.

One of the challenges concerning the missing pastor's case is that the report was composed by a task force of the government. The government also controls the special branch of police who had been monitoring Pastor Raymond prior to his disappearance. Susanna believes that these police officers were responsible for her husband's abduction. While addressing this situation, Todd Nettleton from the Voice of the Martyrs USA asked a pertinent question: "How much truth is going to be in this report?"

Susanna's lawsuit against the government remains ongoing. The next court hearing is scheduled to take place on October 21st.
For more details on Pastor Raymond's case, see VOMC's series of report updates.

As this arduous court process continues to unfold, pray that the truth about Pastor Raymond's disappearance will be revealed. 

Prayerfully uphold Susanna and the rest of her family as they deal with this extended time of uncertainty, asking the Lord to sustain them with His abounding peace, love, strength and hope. 

In the midst of the many challenges facing Christians throughout Malaysia, may all those who have made the courageous decision to follow Jesus receive ongoing encouragement, fortitude and wisdom.

MEXICO: Displaced Christians Allowed to Return Home

Source: VOMC
Sources: Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Church in Chains

A congregation in Mexico is standing together.

A church service in Mexico.
Photo: VOMC

On April 26th, 151 members of the Great Commission Baptist Church from two villages in Hidalgo State were forced from their homes because of their belief in Christianity. These believers have experienced years of tension because of their refusal to participate in local religious festivals involving their villages' ancient tribal rituals, drunkenness and debauchery. Prior to the forced displacement, hostile community members physically attacked several of the believers, turned off the power to their homes, banned their Christian children from attending school, and committed many other incidents of intimidation and harassment.
(Learn more.)

Originally, the local leaders agreed to allow all but three Christian families to return to the area. However, those who were granted permission to return were still to be subjected to fines, in addition to the previously applied severe restrictions. (Read a previously published report.) Unable to accept this proposal, the displaced Christians found refuge in a sports complex in Huejutla de los Reyes, where they had to rely on local churches for food and use river water for drinking and bathing. During this time, many of the exiled believers, especially children and the elderly, developed waterborne illnesses and infections.

Thankfully, a new municipal government took office in September and made this case a priority, ensuring that the rights of the displaced church members were upheld. After reaching an agreement with the Christians, electricity and water services were reconnected to their homes. The believers have been given a set time to examine their properties and will be granted access to state aid for any necessary repairs. In return, members of the church have agreed to contribute financially to community funds and allow all cases involving the criminal investigations of those responsible for the initial forced displacement to be closed.

Speaking of the ordeal experienced by these believers, Anna Lee Stangl from Christian Solidarity Worldwide stated that this agreement "serves as an example of what can be achieved, in terms of protecting freedom of religion or belief and upholding Mexican law, when there is political will and an investment of time and other resources on the part of the government."

Praise God for the collaborative efforts made by those representing all levels of governance in achieving this recent agreement. 

Pray that it will be implemented as promised, without any delays or opposition, so that these followers of Jesus can resume their lives and ministries. 

May the Lord soften the hearts of all those who oppose the Gospel message in these two Mexican communities, bringing about greater acceptance and understanding, so that our family in Christ will be able to practise their faith without fear of further harassment.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

VIETNAM: New Believer Slain by Unknown Assailants

Source: VOMC
 VOM Australia

Several homes are surrounded by trees on a hillside.

A village in Vietnam.
Photo: Flickr / Michael Mooney (cc)

In August of this year, a widower and father of two referred to as "Brother Man" came to faith in Christ. When news of the believer's conversion became known, he began to encounter intense pressure from local authorities.

In the first incident, Brother Man was ordered to leave his home. When he refused to do so, the local authorities then confiscated his land and forbade him from contacting any other Christians. Despite the opposition, the follower of Jesus remained firm in his newfound faith.

On September 24th, Brother Man had been home alone while the rest of his household was out working. When his family members returned home later that day, they found the slain believer's body on the floor. It was also discovered that the deceased Christian man had a bruise on the back of his neck.

An in-country ministry partner who works closely with Voice of the Martyrs Australia has asked for prayer on behalf of Brother Man's grieving family members during this difficult time. One of the representatives from the Australian office reported that needed financial assistance has been provided to the family.
For further reports addressing the suffering of Christians in this Southeast Asian nation, including videotaped segments, go to our country profile.

Prayerfully remember Brother Man's loved ones as they grieve their sudden loss. 

May God's loving presence, peace and comfort be tangibly experienced by this mourning family, as well as by fellow Christians in their community and other areas of Vietnam. 

Ask the Lord to provide these persecuted believers with divine wisdom and guidance as they deal with the oppressive restrictions being imposed on them from all levels of government. 

Pray that the assailants responsible for this attack would be revealed and thus duly held accountable; and that, despite the opposition towards Christianity, the message of God's saving grace will continue to spread powerfully throughout the nation.

INDIA: Pastor Sentenced for Alleged Forced Conversions

Source: VOMC
Sources: International Christian Concern,

Three men are standing on a shaded pathway. One of the men has his Bible open and is speaking with the other two.

A pastor in India sharing God's Word.
Photo: VOM International

A church leader in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has been convicted on false charges of forcing Hindus to convert to Christianity. On September 25th, a court in Jhabua sentenced Pastor Vikas Nimach to five years in prison and ordered him to pay a fine of over $1,600 CAD. His legal team intends to appeal the recent verdict, claiming that the trial lawyer mishandled the proceedings.

The convicted pastor was arrested in December 2021, along with five other believers. The complainants claimed that these Christians had allegedly bribed Hindus to come to their church with promises to provide each of these congregants approximately $16 CAD per month, a motorbike, plus free medical treatment and education for their families. While the other five Christians were granted bail, Pastor Vikas spent nine months in jail before obtaining bail in September 2022.

Madhya Pradesh is one of the 12 Indian states that have implemented anti-conversion legislation. These laws are frequently misused by individuals with personal vendettas, as well as by those seeking to stoke religious divisions.
For more details on the persecution facing Christians in India, go to our country report.

Please uphold Pastor Vikas in your prayers as he begins to serve his prison sentence, asking our Heavenly Father to keep this church leader strong in his faith and provide for all of his physical, spiritual and emotional needs. 

In addition, pray that Pastor Vikas' appeal hearing will be successful, enabling him to soon be set free. Continue to remember the numerous other followers of Jesus throughout this nation who are facing similar situations, praying that they too will receive ongoing encouragement, strength and protection. 

Despite the many challenges being encountered by these believers, may they faithfully proclaim the message of God's free gift of salvation throughout India so that multitudes more will receive opportunities to come to faith in Christ.

PAKISTAN: Zafar Bhatti's Ongoing Struggle for Justice

Source: VOMC
Sources: British Asian Christian Association, Pakistan Christian Post, Church in Chains

Zafar Bhatti

Zafar Bhatti
Photo: Pakistan Christian Post

Zafar Bhatti is listed as Pakistan's longest-serving blasphemy prisoner. Since the day of his arrest on July 12th, 2012, the Christian man has remained in prison. During harsh police interrogation, Zafar was forced to confess to blasphemy. He has since recanted the previously made statement, asserting that it was spoken while under duress. During his time in prison, the believer has also encountered various health concerns.
(For previously published reports on Zafar's case, see this page.)

Over the years, numerous appeals and petitions have been filed in attempts to challenge Zafar's conviction. Due to the dedicated efforts of those advocating on his behalf, the courts have scheduled ten hearings since May of this year. However, the original complainant, Ibrar Ahmad Khan, has continued to follow the case, filing applications to submit additional alleged evidence against the accused Christian man. Thankfully, the judge has rejected Ibrar's requests, emphasizing that all evidence should have been recorded earlier. Although the most recent hearing was scheduled for September 23rd, it has since been postponed.

Amid concerns for the imprisoned believer's physical condition, health issues have also been mounting for his wife, Nawab Bibi. The 76-year-old Christian woman has become very weak and suffers with failing eyesight. Despite these health challenges, Nawab continues to visit her husband in prison every month. The British Asian Christian Association, which has been supplying support and daily provisions for the elderly couple, is presently seeking to provide the financial means for Nawab to undergo cataract surgery.

In hopes of this long-suffering Christian brother's soon release from prison, pray that any further delays to the hearings of his case will be rejected. 

Throughout the process, ask the Lord to work within the hearts of the court officials, guiding them to rule in Zafar's favour. 

With thankfulness for God's faithful provision throughout this lengthy ordeal, please pray that He will continue to meet the ongoing needs of this imprisoned believer and his wife – ultimately providing this couple divine healing and restoration.

Monday, October 7, 2024

New U.N. Report Details Death Toll in Myanmar

Source: ICC -  9/18/24

The U.N.’s Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights released a report detailing the severe impact of military rule in Myanmar since the February 2021 coup. Key points include:

Civilian Impact: Over 5,350 civilians killed and more than 3.3 million displaced.

Economic Hardship: Over half the population now lives below the poverty line due to military violence.

Arrests and Abuse: More than 27,000 people arrested, with many subjected to abusive interrogation and inadequate healthcare.

Religious Attacks: 226 attacks on religious sites, including churches and monasteries.

Ethnic and Religious Tensions: Ethnic minorities, many with distinct religious identities, face increased violence.

Census and Elections: The military plans a national census in October, seen as a step towards elections, though its legitimacy is questioned.

The report highlights the ongoing crisis and the international community’s skepticism about the military’s actions and intentions.

Pray for safety for P. and the Christian leaders in Myanmar.

Pray that it will be a time of encouragement to Christian leaders.

Pray that Christians would be salt and light to the people of Myanmar and that they would see many coming to Jesus.

Pray for peace and safety for Christians and all people in Myanmar.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Philippians 4: 6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Charity Gayle - I Speak Jesus (Lyrics)

Saturday, October 5, 2024


Oct. 03, 2024 | Nepal - Threatened Pastor Continues Ministry

Oct. 03, 2024 | Central Asia - Pastors Pay Huge Fines for Teaching Children about                                     Christ

Oct. 03, 2024 | Laos - Leaders Command 100 Christians to Leave Village

Sep. 26, 2024 | Sierra Leone - Christian Woman Attacked by Family

Sep. 26, 2024 | Iran - Salvation and Ministry Behind Prison Bars

Iran: Salvation and Ministry Behind Prison Bars

Source: iCommitToPray
Sep. 26, 2024

Iranian Converts to Christianity face increased threats
of imprisonment under new government restrictions,
but even after being imprisoned some witness for
Christ in their cells.

Nasser, a political prisoner in Iran, tried to commit suicide while imprisoned. A Christian inmate witnessed the attempt and prevented Nasser’s death. The Christian then shared the gospel with Nasser, and he came to faith in Christ. Nasser now meets with imprisoned Christians for times of secret prayer and worship. Another prisoner named Darius, a Muslim, reported a desire to know more about Christ after experiencing him in a dream. Darius is now in contact with Christians who are helping him learn more about the gospel.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Pray for Lebanon and the Middle East

October 2024

Lebanon and the Middle East
Picture above is a screenshot of a video Pastor D
sent showing the bombs dropping in Beirut. 

Since 2015, Tenth has partnered with Pastor J and Pastor D in Lebanon. Both have visited and shared their stories at Tenth, and Patrick, our Pastor of International Missions, has shared with their pastors, leaders, and refugees in Lebanon. They have expressed how we can join them in prayer during this devastating time.

Prayer Warriors in Canada,

With a heavy and hopeful heart, we face extraordinary challenges in Lebanon. Amid these trials, I am reminded to give thanks to God, our ever-present help in times of trouble. I have seen His hand at work, guiding and sustaining us. His grace is the anchor that holds us steady, even as war rages around us.

I ask you to join us—not only for Lebanon but for the entire region, that God’s peace, which surpasses all understanding, will reign.

  • Pray for an end to this war.
  • Pray for those trapped in dangerous areas and for the refugees who are once again forced to flee.
  • Ask for wisdom for our leaders as they navigate these uncharted waters.
  • Pray for the Church and ask that God gives us the spirit not of fear but of power, self-control and active love that demonstrates the character of Christ.
  • Pray practically for daily life and sustenance and that students can continue their academic year.
  • Pray for God’s intervention in changing the way people think and that God will open hearts and transform lives through the power of the Gospel.
  • Ask that the love of Christ would be present and that His name would be glorified even in the darkest of times.
  • We do not know when this conflict will end, but we trust in a sovereign God whose love knows no bounds. Let's come together, lifting our voices in prayer, believing that peace is possible through Him!

Jesus is called “Mighty God, Everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace”.  Join with brothers and sisters throughout the Middle East who are asking our Mighty God to intervene and bring peace to the region.